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Αναπτύσσοντας δεξιότητες στη Διοίκηση Ανθρώπινου Δυναμικού (Coaching)
Start date: Jul 1, 2016, End date: Jun 30, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Coaching plays an important role in the efficient functioning of organizations and in personal and professional development of individuals. The coaches currently deal with performance issues, skills development, and guidance to achieve goals and to learn new tasks within the company. KEY OBJECTIVE of the program is managers to adopt a coaching approach in their team management style, become familiar with the tools of coaching and integrate new self-development techniques and their teams.This gap in specialist training fills this mobility project, which has the pursuing officers accounting firms:• Coaching to acquire skills such as developing active listening, effective use of questions, use positive language and words and emotions management.• To work together in small groups to have the opportunity to act as Coaches and put into practice coaching models, taking feedback.Through the mobility project it is expected:• Improving the level of knowledge and skills of executives in the application of coaching methods• Adopt a Coaching attitude to encourage and support the group they supervise and guide.It is proposed to prepare 25 personnel / HR managers for 12 days in the educational organization EDEX-Educational Excellence Corporation Ltd, in Cyprus an organization that has vast experience in adult education and experience on the training object, personnel management so that the beneficiaries acquire specific theoretical knowledge and skills that will enhance their professional profile and to give competitive skills in their professional capacity. The implementation of the action will have a multiplier effect on the accounting profession since the participants will gain useful knowledge that will transfer to other professionals and personnel managers and the added value of the energy lies in building partnerships between environmental partners.

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