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Amsterdam 2016: Youth Summit of EYP the Netherlands
Start date: Jan 1, 2016, End date: Apr 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The European Youth Parliament (EYP) was founded in 1987 and is a unique youth organisation with members all over Europe. The organisation gathers high school and university students to discuss European politics in English and French. Young people aged between 16 and 22 are encouraged to form an opinion and help shape the future of their continent. The EYP is a non-partisan and non-biased organisation, with an educational purpose for the European youth. Over 200 activities are organised by the EYP network each year, all organised by young volunteers. Through these conferences, the participants acquire and develop a broad set of skills, such as working in an international team, problem-solving and debating abilities and language skills. Furthermore, the EYP fosters active participation in society and intercultural dialogue, and educates youngsters on the workings of the EU and its institutions. The Dutch branch of the organisation, EYP The Netherlands, is now organising a Youth Summit, which will take place in Februay 2016. At the conference, 150 youngsters from all over the Netherlands and Europe will gather in the Dutch capital to discuss topics under the umbrella theme “Setting The Agenda” in conjunction with the Dutch Presidency of the Council. Experienced alumni from EYP The Netherlands are working hard to welcome all participants, provided by national schools and the project partners. These partners are the other national branches of the EYP, called National Committees. Each partner will have two representatives at the conference who will guide the other participants through an intense academic programme over the course of five days.At Amsterdam 2016, the participants will be divided up into eight committees. Each committee will start off the conference with teambuilding activities, where they will get to know each other and learn to work as a team. Afterwards, in Committee Work, each committee will discuss a current topic of European politics. The results of these discussions are proposals for resolutions. During Committee Work, experts and decision-makers will visit the committees to aid them in the crafting of the resolutions. In the General Assembly, the last part of the programme, the resolutions will be discussed by all the participants. At the conference, intercultural dialogue will also be promoted by the cultural elements of the programme. At ‘Eurovillage’ and ‘Euroconcert’, the country delegations will get the opportunity to present a country’s traditional cuisine, music and dance. After the conference has taken place, Amsterdam 2016's organising committee will ask all participants for feedback through online evaluation forms. Not only will the participants be asked for their thoughts on and experience of the conference, but their personal development will also be assessed. With the information gathered by the evaluation forms, the EYP and EYP The Netherlands will work to improve the quality of future events, and even further increase the development, participation and knowledge of the participants. Ultimately, Amsterdam 2016 aims to inspire all participants to become and stay active European citizens, for they are the ones that will organise events like this in the future.

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