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Alpine space industrial Clusters’ networks: paving the way for Europe 2020 (ALPClusters 2020)
Start date: Aug 31, 2013, End date: Nov 29, 2014 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The Alpine Space economy is largely based on manufacturing SMEs and clusters are a powerful tool to enhance competitiveness. The establishment of transnational clusters networks is a step forward to favour cross-border cooperation although poor awareness of the potentialities from the addressees and the lack of self-sustainability in the medium and long term are still real barriers. AlpClusters2020 aims to contribute to the design of an integrated policy approach for the support of transnational clusters networks at ALPINE space level, in order to: -facilitate the emergence of new industries, enhancing the resilience of Alpine industrial ecosystem -track and valorise the achievements of the previous supported initiatives, assessing their impact -animate a deep and intense participatory process through which private and public relevant actors can take part in the design of future actions -support policy development process, exploring the synergies and suggesting joint actions toward 2020. Achievements: The direct involvement of stakeholders and relevant actors is a strength of AlpClusters2020: about 150 stakeholders were mapped in the area and 81 out of them have been directly involved in the five AlpCafès already organised. This is how we intend to start a policy dialogue that will continue until the end of 2014, using all the communication tools available. AlpCafés represent an informal way of raising an open discussion among stakeholders, about their needs and what they expect, to support their journey towards internationalisation and the creation of new linkages among sectors and regions. To maintain a lively discussion, stakeholders can also use the blog, where the AlpClusters2020 community can exchange information and elaborate ideas and concepts to be further structured in concrete policy proposals.

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  • 64.6%   376 352,00
  • 2007 - 2013 Alpine Space
  • Project on KEEP Platform
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6 Partners Participants