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Alfabetizarea emotionala - instrument pentru consilierea profesorilor si parintilor
Start date: Oct 1, 2016, End date: Nov 30, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

County Resource Center and Educational Assistance (CJRAE) is an institution that provides the County Iasi support activities and pedagogical assistance to all students, parents, teachers and other community members with the objective of increasing the socio-occupational integration and the development of skills through self-development. The main objectives of this mobility project resulted from the analysis of needs CJRAE on the school year 2015-2016, which were outlined three major dimensions of intervention: personal and professional development of specialists CJRAE through training at european level, on specific topics; Optimizing the quality of the services offered by CJRAE in adult education; the development of active partnerships at european and regional level.CJRAE will participate directly in the activities of the European training, a total of 20 participants-counselors with expertise and interest in the development of social and professional skills. These counselors will work in turn, in educational programs with a large number of beneficiaries: parents, educators (teachers, educators), volunteers, community members. Courses through which they enhance professional competencies are chosen depending on their needs, individual and institutional training: 'Emotion Ecology','Coaching in educational contexts to reduce early school leaving'.All phases of the project provide for direct involvement of both, participants and providers of training. Of course, in certain stages (preparation, follow-up and dissemination, implementation and evaluation of competencies acquired) will be involved much more participants, being the direct beneficiaries, the project's lead. In the courses, the main responsibility lies with the suppliers of training so that participants obtain a valuable shuttle information and skills, in terms of qualitative and quantitative. To ensure that these new competences and skills, will be applied directly to the professional activity and that they would be transferred to the institution's policies and practices, we will take into account:-The teamwork: participation in these courses is going to make the team, ensuring thus a space of reflection inside the group and the opportunity to increase the visibility and the representativeness of the CJRAE at the subsequent activities carried out in the final stages of the project. Groups participating in these courses will be able to exchange information directly and crossed to form effective and other specialists in the field, having a unitary vision on the topics learned. Participants will be able to accomplish such a task and to build a team that will carry out support activities and information from the entire CJRAE structure.- The transfer of best practices and strengthening the network of specialists in education at european level: the approach of the participants,in terms of follow-up, will follow the principle of transfer of competencies, methods and techniques, procedures, and practices its own system and its own specialists. Will implement uniform procedures of interventions at institutional level and individual, use of tools and techniques, made on the basis of the information and skills acquired through these courses.We conduct a full assessment with quantitative indicators and qualitative, but formal standardized tools or methods of informal activities, products, etc. In the context of the final evaluation and follow-up actions on the medium and long term, follow indicators in order to ensure the success of this project will consist in: reducing the number of early school leaving, increase the number of adult counselled, the number of support groups within schools, programs offered through CJRAE for the various categories of target groups with who they work. The project results will be part of the management plan of the institution as a landmark in the development of further development programmes and European cooperation.Improve the quality of services offered by the school counselors will have a direct impact on beneficial long-term main beneficiaries in the field of adult education: parents, families in situations of risk, educators, adults in situation of insecurity socio-educational.
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