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Aktywni Nauczyciele Jednoczą Europę poprzez Innowacje
Start date: Dec 31, 2015, End date: Dec 30, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The purpose of the “Active Teachers Unite Europe through Innovations” project is a multidirectional development of Gimnazjum nr 2 im. A. Mickiewicza w Krakowie (Adam Mickiewicz Junior Secondary School No.2 in Krakow). The innovations introduced at the school (a pedagogical innovation called „Klasy patronackie VLO” – forms cooperating with the August Witkowski Secondary School No. 5 in Krakow, bridge sports forms, the innovation „Edukacyjny Kraków wielokulturowy” – “Educational multicultural Krakow” and the bilingual form with extended Spanish language programme under the auspices of the Spanish Embassy) require continuous skills upgrading and support of the staff responsible for particular tasks. Our project has been created on the basis of documents covering the school mission, the vision of its implementation and the work concept including its far-fetched strategic development plan. It has also been embedded in the European context and in the prospect of the planned future educational tasks and system concepts the important part of which is the document related to the development of needs and professional skills of teachers, other staff and the headmistress as the educational leader in the local community. Constant competences upgrading is extremely important in such innovational and broadly planned educational actions. Therefore the aim of the project is in particular: to upgrade teachers competences in the area of foreign languages (English, Spanish and French), to improve foreign language teachers competences through participation in specialized methodology and culture trainings, to observe (job shadow) the work of teachers holding similar posts or teaching similar subjects in a partner institution (a school in Spain) in order to prepare them for bilingual teaching, to improve the participants culture competences, to undertake the planned mobilities of the school staff abroad and to promote them, to observe how schools which have better results in PISA rankings work, to implement the solutions and knowledge gained during mobilities abroad carried out within the project and through this to improve the school work quality in the long term, to broaden the intercultural education dimension in our school, in particular through the cooperation with chosen partner institutions, to share educational materials, documents and media produced during the project, to gain practical skills related to documenting actions, to fill in reports following mobilities and to make use of state and European tools promoted in the Erasmus+ programme. The process of choosing particular project participants is closely related to the objectives of our project and the tasks planned to accomplish included in the school development plan for the years 2015-2017. The participant profile also closely corresponds with the particular criteria related to partner institutions and with the adequacy of actions planned by individual school employees to suit school needs. Specifically, the project participants are the teachers preparing themselves for bilingual teaching, the participants of “Educational multicultural Krakow” innovation, foreign language teachers and the teachers learning foreign languages. In the project management we use modern solutions considering adequate means allocation, i.e. human resources, funds, available equipment and time. Our management model concentrates on team work (setting working groups) but also has a transparent work structure with a clear allocation of competences. As a school we actively search for effective system concepts considering a perspective in space and time. Our project “Active Teachers Unite Europe through Innovations” is a global, large scale, multidirectional and multi-stage action. It considers individual school needs, particularly in the area of multicultural education, bilingual teaching and creating equal opportunities. It enables learning new effective methods and solutions in both particular subject teaching and school work organization as well as in the area of upbringing. The project promotes ways of learning foreign languages and language diversity, it also assumes the development of project participants personal competences. Through the European dimension of actions it also promotes greater openness to the effects of synergy resulting from the cooperation with various partner institutions.
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1 Partners Participants