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Aktywne społeczności lokalne podstawą rozwoju regionu.
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The aim of the project is to stimulate and increase the motivation of adults to engage on a social level by expanding informal and non-professional education for adults and seniors. Project participants are employees of the Foundation both management and trainers and volunteers who work with the Foundation in the context of long-term contracts volunteering. Envisaged is the organization of 17 mobility within 4-8 which will be attended by permanent employees of the organization. Expected activities include participation in courses and training with elements of study visits. Selected courses are largely based on case studies, workshop and lab practical work skills. The training program evolves from the acquisition of communication skills in English, by passing the training expertise in your chosen field of competence of coaching and coaching, quality management and the creation of new educational programs taking into account the sustainable development of adult education, Through actions will increase the knowledge and skills of employees and volunteers in project management, communication, English and inter-cultural skills, broaden trainers workshop for new, innovative and creative educational methods especially those using art. Long-term benefits are: - Increase training opportunities for local communities, - An increase in the number of people active in the community, increasing their level of knowledge and skills in the field of soft skills, motivation to take on new challenges and education (measured by people involved in volunteering, people participating in our courses and benefiting from the offer) - Raising the esteem of disadvantaged groups through participation in training in soft skills through artistic activities with others in similar situations, as well as integration with other people from outside the group (as measured by the number of people using the website).

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