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Agroturystyka i ekologia szansą ożywienia obszarów wiejskich
Start date: Dec 31, 2014, End date: Dec 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project " "AGROTURYSTYKA I EKOLOGIA SZANSĄ OŻYWIENIA OBSZARÓW WIEJSKICH" " was carried out by thePolski Instytut Badań i Innowacji, which has partnered with the School District in Goworowo and partner organizations: the Greek and Portuguese GEORGIKES EKMETALEUSEIS: Intercultural Mobility Friends. The aim of the project was to enable the students of the School of the District in Goworowo strengthen the professional capacity of developing and running a profitable business through the development of competencies and practical skills in the business of agritourism and popularizing organic farming in the place of residence. The recruitment process allowed the selection of participants, who were able to participate in Erasmus +. The participants before leaving for an internship participated in the preparation of linguistic, educational and cultural, which helped them to find themselves in another reality - for many participants to this first trip outside the country, so proper preparation was invaluable help for young people. The first group numbering 14 people went on internship to Portugal, while the second - a 16-seater in September to Greece. Participants were accommodated in 2-3 -osobowych of a high European standard. Partners have provided participants with full board (3 meals a day, including two hot), mentoring during the project design, resources and teaching aids. The partners organized educational facilities in such a way that enabled the realization of the project and showed new possibilities in conducting business activities and services for agriculture and rural tourism. Partner organizations also took care of free time participants in organizing the cultural program and tourism, during which the participants presented the historical value, tourist and cultural region. Over the course of the project participants they were covered by the organizational support and logistics from both the sending organization and the host.

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3 Partners Participants