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AGRONATUR - Transference of innovative training itinerary for rural realm training

The European rural areas struggle themselves with several problems and common to numerous countries, from which we stand up: depopulation and old growing of the population; difficulty in accomplishing the specialization of the new rural realm job opportunities; little enterprise initiatives; difficulty in adhering to the alternative agro cattle breading productions; inability and lack of qualification to valorize the advantage of the natural and tourism resources; low level of inter-regional commercial activities; little socio-economic indicators. The partnership has the participation of different sectors and territories (5 countries), with partners approaching the rural development, professional training, enterprise support, cooperation experiences and Programs such as LEONARDO, LEADER, GRUNDTVIG and INTERREG. The main goals are:• Quality improvement of the European professional training system, adapting and integrating the innovating results and contents, obtained in the former projects;• Strengthen the cooperation between different countries and institutions;• Transference of these contents for the new social, economic and languages realities;• Foment the equal opportunities and to be able to reach training;• Adapt the innovating solutions to other sectors and/or potential beneficiary groups;• Contribute for the rural development, in a sustainable perspective;• Involve the entities and the social local, regional and national actors.

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6 Partners Participants