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Agrobiogas as an alternative source of energy in rural areas

All agricultural activities, including the production of food is dependent on the electricity at practically all stages. The greater is demand for electricity, the more modern and high-tech technologies are used for its production . It also increases with the growth of farm and new investments. In many rural areas, aging infrastructure, energy systems and a chronic lack of funds for new investment leads to economic and civilization collapse. This leads to the impoverishment of people, increase of unemployment, and even emigration. Ensuring supply of agro-energy plant and disposal, would reverse these negative processes, would reduce the negative social phenomena and enabled sustainable development of local entrepreneurship, based on local natural resources and local renewable energy sources (RES). Strong and effective support of the development of renewable energy can be a way to improve farm budgets agricultural and other businesses involved in the production of energy and construction and operation of systems, agro-bio-energetic. In Europe, there are a number of different levels of biogas plants in rural areas. Western European countries in this respect are much better developed than the countries of Eastern Europe. The subject of agricultural biogas plants is quite new in Poland. On the basis of analyses conducted by the National Research Institute of Animal Production, there is a very strong interest in small plants of agricultural farmers. Document entitled "Polish Energy Policy until 2030" assumes that by 2020 each municipality will create biogas plant. Therefore, first of all it is necessary to support educational efforts to disseminate knowledge on agricultural biogas plants. A similar situation as in Poland takes place in the partner countries of the project that is in Slovakia, Bulgaria, Romania and Cyprus. Partner from Slovakia successfully conducted project called "Resnet" on the subject of the renewable energy. This project was the basis for the transfer of innovation in the project RUBIGAS. The project was greatly expanded and modernized by adding module on agricultural biogas plants and the entire project was adapted and dedicated for farmers and residents of rural areas. The need for education in agricultural biogas topic demonstrate, in addition to national documents EU Regulation no 2001/77/EC and 2009/28/EC

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