European Projects
Agir na Europa, promovendo a mobilidade dos cidadã..
Agir na Europa, promovendo a mobilidade dos cidadãos autónomos e solidários. Um instrumento para a qualificação numa nova realidade de emprego.
Start date: Dec 31, 2014,
End date: Dec 30, 2016
This project lies contextualized in our vast experience that comes from participation in previous applications under the Leonardo Da Vinci Programme - Mobility and Partnerships. We are, therefore, holders of a wide network of partnerships that have been expanded and consolidated, developing a cooperation work with other training institutions and companies who host our interns.
There are already several countries and institutions involved in this project with us, some of them already for several years. They are countries like Spain, France, Belgium, Slovakia, Estonia, Poland and England. Thus, we intend to strengthen cooperation with schools and other foreign companies, considering crucial the development of a partnership between both parties in order to conciliate the pedagogical organization of schools and technical training, which must be in accordance with the needs expressed by companies, not just local, regional or national but also at an international level.
As main objectives of this project, we would like to highlight the decrease of youth unemployment and the increase of qualifications for the participants, as well as the learning of foreign languages and skills enhancement. We believe, therefore, that the mobility of these young professionals may promote future job offerings more diverse or a developing professional career with increased and differentiated responsibilities. With these mobility experiences, we believe that we are contributing to the formation of autonomous, supportive and active individuals, aware of their rights as European citizens.
The group of participants embraced in this project consists of twenty-two young people who are developing their initial training in the technical areas of Civil Construction, Commerce, Hotel Industry, Gas and Environmental Management (initial formation of level 4) and also young people attending Vocational Courses (training initial level 2). We also intend to cover for the first time, two graduate students who have recently completed their initial training level 4, in our school, and six staff elements.
The proposed activities are the placements / mobilities, lasting four weeks, for the young beneficiaries to undertake their initial training, internships / mobilities, with the duration of three months, for beneficiaries who are graduated students and internships / mobilities, for five days, for the staff members who, mainly, intend to share experiences and enhance their professional skills.
The process of guiding and monitoring the beneficiaries trainings and their technical / personal progress, according to the objectives previously defined, will be provided by the Office of Planning and International Cooperation, in close collaboration with those responsible for each school / company, tutors and teachers from each institution and the Course Coordinators. This monitoring process is achieved punctually and exceptionally through visits and / or meetings in local internship and partner / host schools, but also through contacts (by phone and email) more frequent among the actors involved in this process
We would like to mention the possibility of making a weekly monitoring of beneficiaries through Skype, enjoying thus the benefits in terms of new technologies. Visits and meetings are, essentially, responsibilities of the tutor / tutors from the different technical training areas which later come into contact with the project promoters, transmitting all important information concerning the trainings' development.
This project seeks the professional training of beneficiaries who are developing their initial training and those who have recently completed their training with the purpose of entering the labor market consciously. Currently, it is impossible not to think of extending employment opportunities to the European dimension, so that this project aims participants to be active, responsible and independent citizens. In addition to this idea, it is important to emphasize that this project contributes to the reduction of youth unemployment and the increase of the European citizens' skills.
Regarding the staff beneficiaries, the impact of this project lies in the fact that this is an opportunity to observe and compare different methods of working, and a way to enhance their professional curriculum, adapting their knowledge to innovative training practices inside a new European working context.
In conclusion, we emphasize the need, in a long term, to achieve more skills and more jobs, building up a more cohesive and stronger Europe.