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Ämnesövergripande undervisning inom HUT tema, med focus på främmande språk , i en mångkulturell skolmiljö
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Educational professional development of school staff within interdisciplinary teaching with the theme "Sustainable community building", with focus on foreign languages. In order to get new perspectives, methods and teaching tools, we wish to cooperate with other schools in the European Union and train us with help of Erasmus + courses within our priority fields. Our goals are:-introduce new courses to enhance students ' motivation and open up new possibilities for future jobs or studies. -provide students with the possibility of extension of knowledge, within a wider European perspective. -improve modern language skills for jobs in the future and raise awareness of its benefits.-work with sustainable development at school and in the community. -initiate e-twinnings projects between our youth and students from other countries in Europe, with the chosen themes. -develop the skills of school staff in several areas in order to improve the fight against early school-leaving. -create a safe school environment for both Swedish school staff and students and for foreign ones, and newly- arrived refugees.- give students the opportunity to obtain an EU passport and to broaden their horizons internationally.
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