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Älvkullegymnasiet i Europa
Start date: Aug 14, 2014, End date: Aug 13, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Älvkullegymnasiet must strive to be an inclusive and attractive school for both students and staff. By working with an international perspective we can give all students - regardless of gender, socioeconomic conditions , ethnicity and disability - the opportunity to get the most out of their studies. This year Älvkullegymnasiet's staff has chosen to focus on the following points in our European School Development Plan: INTEGRATION, COOPERATION ACROSS BORDERS AND INCREASED ABILITY TO " LEARN HOW TO LEARN " Eight teachers from Älvkullegymnasiet's IB program will take part in a job shadowing project with Gaziantep Kolej Vakfi Özel Okullari in Turkey. While there, our teachers will be able to establish important contacts for further cooperation, acquire the skills necessary to prepare for a visit from Turkish students , and see how teaching and learning can take place in a school with very different cultural experiences from our own . Hopefully the educational experience will help both schools in our professional developement and increase our educational palette. INCREASED EU COMPETENCE AMONG TEACHERS 30 of Älvkullegymnasiet's teachers will go on a trip to Brussels and the European Parliament, in November 2014 Half the faculty will go in this first phase and the other half will go in round two, in autumn 2015 . Eventually, students will be sent to Brussels in order to learn more about the EU. On location in Brussels, the teachers will be guided by the school's EU ambassador. Teachers will visit the European Parliament and the European Commission. The effects that we wish to get from this project are: 1. We want to increase students 'and teachers' international experiences , and their cultural understanding. Students will also be able to see all the possibilities that a multicultural society can provide. 2. By jobshadowing their colleagues in Gaziantep Kolej Vakfi Özel Okullari, the teachers of Älvkullegymnasiet will develop their educational skills, gain new knowledge and use this while teaching in Sweden. 3. In an ever changing world where many cultures come together , our students need to learn the skills that equip them for active and democratic participation in the European Community. If the teachers of Älvkullegymnasiet get more knowledge of the EU, then the students will benefit from this.
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