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Að þróa gæði náms og nýbreytni á öllum námsstigum.
Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project focused on one hand on the training of teachers using new technology when teaching students with special needs and on the other hand of outdoor education . In April 2016, three staff members; a special education teacher, a social educator and a head of department, went to Stockholm in Sweden to visit schools that excel in ICT with students with special needs. There is a need for a wider range of teaching methods and the use of the technology in the school teaching students with special needs. The goal was to serve the needs of students with special needs through new methods of teaching where the latest technology is used. Also enhancing the professional skills of teachers and management, introducing new teaching usage of organization study and work on the new school curriculum . In May 2016 two teachers went to Bergen in Norway to visit a school that excelles in outdoor education. The aim was to promote outdoor education and its quality in relation to environmental studies in the schools in Akranes . The aim was to enhance the quality of outdoor education at the schools. Also, capacity building of teachers and quality outdoor education acid with new methods of teaching and the organization of the course .
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