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Addressing the European Customer - Developing cross cultural service skills
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The flow for learners is for 20 students in their 2nd year of training as an administrative assistant. The need for an internatioal training is defined as followed: The customer of the German authorities is often a foreigner or a German with a migrant background and thus calls for the ability to develop cross-cultural service skills. Communicative competence in English as a lingua franca is expected from everybody in Germany. The aim of the project is that the project participants experience a stay in which they - observe the behaviors of customers and service providers during the internship in a Scottish authorities, - acquire intercultural competence in dealing with Scottish customers, - get to know the operational practice in other administrations, - improve their English language skills, especially in adminstrative terminology, - reduce their inhibitions to communicate in a foreign language, - establish social contacts with Scottish peers - develop organizational skills, social skills and self-confidence. Expected results: - professional expertise, language skills and intercultural competence. - The comparision of training in Germany and Scotland. - Insights into administrative actions of the Highland Council and thus development of international expertise. - Personality development. The project is carried out in May 2017 in Inverness, Scotland. The partner organization is Inverness College. The internships for German learners are provided by Highland Council Inverness. The project for the VET staff (City of Augsburg, district office Augsburg and Vocational College 5 Augsburg) takes place in May 2016. The internships are also provided by Highland Council Inernvess. Objectives and expected results of stay from the the VET staff : - to develop a greater understanding and greater openness to social, linguistic and cultural aspects - to improve the ability to initiate changes with regard to the introduction of modernization and opening-up of national education, - to expand their language skills. The expected long-term benefit of the two flows is an international opening of the national educational institutions.
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