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Adding socio-economic value to industry through the integration of artists in research and open innovation processes. (VERTIGO)
Start date: Dec 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2020 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The VERTIGO project provides a major opportunity to develop more inclusive, intercultural, and thus productive and innovative approaches to the participation of artists in ICT research activities and for promoting synergies between creative arts, businesses, research organizations and the society at general. If the digital economy of Europe is to prosper over the long term, then its full and diverse talent base must be effectively engaged into new and innovative research projects with commercial viability, and research, business, investment and art communities must work together towards these endeavours. Our proposal will fully support these objectives and contribute to set new policies for creating and nurturing links between Arts, Science & Technology in the ICT sector.The project will build from the H2020 ICT36-2016 call objectives and guideline of activities in order to propose a fresh approach, targeted specifically at the deployment of a brokerage service for integration of artists in ICT research & innovation projects and promotion of synergy between ICT research & business communities, entrepreneurs, investors and arts.We strongly believe in the role of arts and ICT as a trigger for business development and a catalyzer to Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) promptness to innovate. We therefore situate our action in the framework of the STARTS (Science, Technology and the Arts) initiative supported by the European Commission with the aim of linking R&D and innovation with the art world including design and creative industries. We will build on the new Art-Innovation Forum, announced by Centre Pompidou’s President Serge Lasvignes in September 2015, and will aim at expanding IRCAM’s unique and successful model of R&D&I in sound and music technologies driven by creation in performing arts to other artistic disciplines (visual arts, architecture, design…) with a high public exposure, while also relying on other validated approaches across Europe and on a strong network of artistic organisations that will allows to tap into the potential of creators and artists for enhancing the innovation process.
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