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Adaptive Forest Management and Biomass Production
Start date: Dec 31, 2010, End date: Dec 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Overall Aim• Share experience and exchange best (good) practice on SFM, also incorporating the latest research findings • Enhance bilateral as well as multilateral cooperation between the participating countriesObjective• Improve transnational cooperation on SFM practices and cover the gap between research and practise in order to increase forest biomass production, improve the environment and adapt to climate change• Improve cooperation between the priorities and horizontal actions of the EUSBSR - strong link to the HA sustainable development and bioeconomyThe frame for initiating the cooperationEFINORD: Work plan on biomass production and intensive forest management 2011-2015Sweden: SFA mission from the government to elaborate on the model of adaptive forest management 2013-2015Finland: Metla research program 2012-2016 ”Forest and silviculture in the future”Russia: State program of forestry development for the years 2012-2020 (new forest policy) Achievements: A Work Shop on Adaptive Forest Management & Biomass Production was organized on 11-12 June, 2014 in Sweden.Presentations are available under:
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