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Active learning methods for teachers in electricity departments.
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Teaching vocational and technical students can be a tough job. It’s not easy for young people to sit still and listen to a teachers for a long time, especially for students in vocational courses. Their teachers have to search for methods to keep their attention so that they learn and become adults who can take responsibilities and carry out their future profession. ‘Active Learning’ is such a method. Its purpose is learn in an active way by ‘watching’, ‘discussing’, ‘presenting’ and ‘doing’ as a means to get them to learn their profession. The role of the teacher is ‘passive’, he will not give the information through oral proclamation. He will need to by a guide to point the students in the right direction, motivate them when they tend to give up, etc. For most teacher this is leaving his comfort zone – where he is when he is active teaching – and take step into an unknown territory. Our project hopes to create a practical guide for teachers in general and teachers in electrical departments in particular. We will prepare some active learning methods, try them out, evaluate them and publish them. The technical installations that probably will be built during the active learning and teaching activities, can be used later on in both schools. An experience from past projects is that working together on a common goal, using and showing basic skills, forced to speak another language, etc. is the best way to train intercultural and cooperative skills. For this project we have chosen to work as practical as possible. This is the reason why we are only with two partners and we limit the visiting students to 6. Working with a smaller group gives us the advantage that the teachers can have a better overview on what is happening.
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1 Partners Participants