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active diversity in european childcare - music brings people together all over the world
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The Erasmus+ Project in the field of vocational training offers students and teachers of the Catholic College for the Training of Nursery School Teachers an insight into how European elementary childcare institutions work and which curricula they follow. As a consequence, participants gain more knowledge from which they can benefit in their field of occupation. The following participants will be involved in the project (application for two years): (Presumably) 18 students from the Catholic College for the Training of Nursery School Teachers in Innsbruck attending the fourth year of their training to become a nursery school teacher in the international branch of the school. Partner institutions in Italy, Germany and Sweden.At the time of the internship, they have already successfully gained practical experience in various institutions of elementary education in the federal region of the Tyrol for several weeks. They possess a sound theoretical as well as practical knowledge in the field of didactics and pedagogy in elementary education. The students will work actively with 3- to 6-year-old children in the European partner institutions by offering educational stimuli particularly in the field of musical education. Thus, their language as well as practical skills will be strengthened and they will gain more pedagogical competence. Apart from that, this work placement abroad intends to encourage the participants to gain self-confidence, autonomy and personal responsibility. Furthermore, they will get an insight into cultural diversity and realise the importance of musical education and how to implement it. The aim of this project is to convey to the students and partner institutions how versatile the use of music in nursery schools can be and to extend and strengthen its implementation in various forms in the practical work in nursery schools. As a result, students will understand the connecting feature of music. Music can be a chance for a good and harmonious cooperation. The participants do their work placement on five days a week in assigned institutions for elementary education for about six hours per day. Their assignment is to observe and analyse the rules in the group, the daily and yearly routines and the educational focus in the institution where they do their internship. Another separate task is to monitor the significance of musical education in the setting and the necessary underlying parameters. By offering educational stimuli both in the field of music and in other areas, the students work independently. They document their learning progress and the insights gained in a learning journal whereby they concentrate on the vocational as well as the personal aspects of learning. One essential consequence we see through the experiences they make in the EU work placement is an enlargement of their social- and self-competence in regard to diversity and unprejudiced education and upbringing. The experience made by students and accompanying teachers through observations and communication with the partners in elementary educational institutions abroad may lead to changes in teaching methods and the choice of topics in the lessons back in Austria. Stimuli and insights won in other countries can be passed on to regional institutions for early childcare education around Innsbruck through networking connections. Traditional patterns of planning and teaching will be reconsidered and altered after getting to know other approaches.This work placement abroad represents a typical feature of our Catholic College for the Training of Nursery School Teachers. It is a special incentive for applicants to choose our school as their future place of training.

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