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Active Citizen Training Network

Informal, lifelong and everyday learning is valued as increasingly important in Europeansocieties. Informal learning is dependent on the life contexts of the learners and it isoften individualised. This means that a standardisation in terms of contents (topics),learning objectives and envisaged outcomes (competences) is nearly impossible due tothe very varied life situations and needs of the beneficiaries.On the basis of a previous science-practice project, ACT-NET will for the first timedeliver a verified evaluation system for evidencing competences in informal learningcontexts and transfer it to specific domains of informal learning. It will consist of anapproach that delivers comparable results in terms of competence development throughinformal learning and will provide a 2-level accreditation system for informal learningprojects.ACT-NET will make use of the prototype of an informal learning evaluation system andtransfer the approach in a series of European exemplary projects at grass-root level andin different European collaboration projects. Here, ACT-NET will evidence individual orgroup competences in a process-orientated way in a 3-dimensional visualised cubemodel based on a multi-user software solution. To round up the approach, a planningcomponent for informal learning situations will be introduced.In terms of valorisation, ACT-NET will extend the partnership into a fully-fledgedEuropean network consisting of at least partners from 15 European states. The projectwill provide for the first time a comparable evidencing system for informal learningoutcomes especially usable for grass-root projects and their beneficiaries. Therefore,ACT-NET especially addresses to non-mainstreaming target groups like unemployedpersons, disadvantaged citizens, victims of violence or handicapped persons. As aspecial European added value ACT-NET will also validate the informal learningcompetences of participants in collaborative projects and courses funded by theEuropean Commission.
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9 Partners Participants