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Actions for the conservation of Mediterranean temporary ponds in Crete (MEDPONDS)
Start date: Nov 1, 2004, End date: Nov 1, 2008 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Background Mediterranean Temporary Ponds (MTPs) are a priority habitat listed in the Habitats Directive. A particularly vulnerable and dynamic habitat, they are frequently threatened from anthropogenic activities and the concurrent lack of natural dynamics. Although these MTPs are still in a relatively good conservation state in Crete, they are increasingly at threat from human activities, including the over extraction of water, artificial drainage and recharge, overgrazing, water eutrophication, solid waste disposal and the high number of visitors. Objectives The aim of this LIFE project was to restore the MTPs habitat in western Crete to the favourable status that existed prior to human interference in the area. This aim would be achieved through the setting up of an adequate management system and by implementing the following actions: restoring the habitats' natural hydro-period and reducing the negative impact of overgrazing by re-establishing the habitats’ original grazing management system. The impact of polluted run-off from unsustainable agricultural practices will be assessed by a water quality survey and through the setting up of a monitoring system on a site-by-site basis. The concrete actions that would be undertaken as a result of the recommendations of this survey were expected to bring the ponds’ water quality back into a favourable status. Public awareness and environmental education through participatory approaches were foreseen to support the project’s actions and to diminish the impact of visitors on the sites, along with the designation of a non-access area and the development of eco-tourism. This LIFE project focused on a number of MTPs on the island of Crete, all located within five different pSCIs. The MTPs of the first site are found in the areas of Imeri and Agria Gramvousa-Tigani and Falasarna-Podikonisi (112 ha), 2.5 km south of the Falasarna beach of the western coast of Crete; the second is Nisos Elafonisos and its opposite beach from Chrysoskalitissa to Akrothrio Krios (87ha); the third is Drapano (northwest coasts)- Georgioupolis beach-Limni Kourna (3ha); the fourth the islands of Gavdos and Gavdopoula (45 ha) and the fifth is Omalos pond in Lefka Ori (0.3ha). The total surface of the MTPs in the project area was 247.3 ha. Results The project achieved the following main results: Re-establishment of natural hydroperiod prior to human intervention Re-establishment of habitat's original communities, controlled grazing through management scheme and protective measures to avoid future overgrazing Restoration and preservation of ponds' water quality at a favourable status Clean and protected habitat areas, free of solid waste Public participation in habitat protection and preservation Non-access areas and controlled eco-tourist development. The MTPs were thoroughly detailed; their flooded period and water quality well documented, and threats were identified. For each site, a management plan was designated and specific actions were implemented to improve their ecological state and to avert or minimise threats caused by human activities. Extensive efforts were made to inform local communities and to enlist the support of local authorities in the conservation of the ponds. The project highlighted the need for protection through specific management actions and future conservation efforts on the part of local communities. To ensure the continued preservation of the MTPs, the project targeted stockbreeders, hotel owners and farmers of each area in an effort to educate them to the values of the ponds, and to minimise threats. These local groups, which were responsible for the degradation of the ecological quality of the ponds, were informed of the problems caused by their practices. Finally, the project also constructed the necessary infrastructure and generated the required information that will enable the area to maximise its potential for ecotourism. Specific follow-up of the actions in the project are detailed in the after-LIFE conservation plan. They include the continuation of monitoring by MAICh, a project partner, the support of the infrastructure and printed material by the local municipalities, the continuation of environmental education through printed material and the exhibition centre at the premises of MAICh. A Memorandum of Understanding has been signed with the Municipality of Kissamos to continue environmental activities including technical support. This will enable the beneficiary to remedy the drainage ditch in Falasarna, which is pouring polluted water in the vicinity of the MTP. The main failure of the project was the absence of concrete measures at Falasarna due to the resistance of local farmers and lack of support from the municipality. Further information on the project can be found in the project's layman report and After-LIFE Conservation Plan (see "Read more" section).
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