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Action for Nature
Start date: Jan 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The natural environment needs protection and for this to happen we need to take action. Young people are potentially the most important audience to engage in this area of development as in years to come they will be the next decision makers. To prepare these young people for the vital role they must play they need to be inspired, motivated and provided with the necessary skills and experience to understand the impact of their actions. This project seeks to guide that process, to document lessons learnt, and to share ideas with other European Countries to work together for positive change.The project will be structured as a series of Action for Nature campaigns including; investigation, planning, action, reflection and celebration. Over the 20 month project four Action for Nature campaigns will be conducted in Malta, three based around a BirdLife Malta (BLM) sites including; Is-Simar Nature Reserve, Għadira Nature Reserve and Foresta 2000, and one at the Scout Association Malta campsite in Għajn Tuffieħa. In Malta the project will be linked to Venture Scout Badge 'Demeter' and obtaining the accreditation SCENES (Scout Centres of Excellence for Nature and Environment) for the campsite. Through the project opportunities for active involvement, youth exchange and social engagement will be provided for a total of 68 young people aged 13-22 years old from Norway, Hungary and Malta. The key objective of this project is that the youth participants are fully involved in such a way as to empower them to take action, to motivate them to continue to be involved in environmental protection and to provide the necessary skills so that they can do so. It is also planned that through their involvement the participants will discover different cultures, strengthen values, reflect on a topic that is relevant for all Europeans, and develop respect for others and the environment. Participants will see that if groups all over Europe and even all over the world take local action to look after and improve their environment, that cumulatively the impact will be global. The expected impact of the project is to promote respect for nature and action in the local community area to improve it for people, animals and the environment. The community will benefit from having more committed young people who are more responsible and active in society and engaged to positively impact the world around them. Being active in outdoor activities will also offer improvements to participants' health and wellbeing, promoting a healthy style of life based on the connection with nature which can then be transmitted to family members and the community. This will overall increase knowledge and understanding of the natural world and the necessity to conserve the environment. Participants will also be able to share the lessons that they have learnt and replicate the model with other groups or interested persons so involving more people in Action for Nature.
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