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Start date: Aug 31, 2010, End date: Aug 30, 2013 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Action for Biodiversity is a 3 year project which aims to develop and successfully deliver a regional and cross border Biodiversity Framework for the East Border Region. Achievements: Action for Biodiversity is a 3 year INTERREG IVA funded project which covers the entire East Border Region (10 Local Authorities).Main aim:To deliver a coordinated approach to biodiversity conservation and promotion on a cross border regional basis.The project has delivered on this aim by working on three key strands:· Building capacity· Raising awareness· Biodiversity conservation and enhancementAn overarching regional biodiversity framework has been developed by the project to elaborate on these strands, and to provide bench marks for each local authority for targeted biodiversity work. The framework is the first regional biodiversity action framework in Ireland and will form the structure for collaboration between local authorities, and other stakeholders on a cross-border basis for the delivery of the biodiversity agenda.At the outset of the project an audit was undertaken by the EBR Biodiversity Working group for each local authority area to establish what the current provision was with regard to conserving and promoting biodiversity. The results showed that local authorities across the region were at different stages and have varying levels of experience and approaches with regard to integrating biodiversity into their services. The framework has taken these differences into account by identifying individual targets for each local authority, so that each partner can achieve a real step-change from their current provision. These individual targets or steps support the regional targets in the framework so that activity is properly coordinated and collaborative.The project has built capacity within local authorities to deliver the biodiversity agenda, by participating in the framework actions and through the development and management of the overall project. The project has delivered a successful biodiversity training program for participating local authorities. The training program is crucial to enable the local authorities to understand the need for change in order to mobilize these organizations to fully adopt the biodiversity agenda. In Northern Ireland a Biodiversity duty is soon to be introduced for Local Authorities so the timing of the training sessions within this project has been apt. Action for Biodiversity has delivered actions on the ground at a local level, through engagement with local authorities, NGOs, community groups, schools, businesses and other key stakeholders. Three project staff have been employed by the project. The staff have been located at three Local Authority locations throughout the region to ensure that each area has good access to their services.ObjectivesBuilding Capacity- To produce and deliver the EBR Biodiversity Framework- To develop Local Biodiversity Action Plans (LBAPs) (where required)- To develop on the ground projects- To deliver 50 days of targeted training for Local Authorities- To embed biodiversity within local authority strategies and policies- To create an Action for Biodiversity Regional Forum (including NGO’s and other key stakeholders)Raising Awareness:- To conduct an attitudes survey of 1000 people living in the EBR to determine current awareness and understanding of biodiversity. Survey repeated near project end.- To develop a communications strategy “Why Biodiversity Matters” and implement the strategy- To develop an awareness programme on alien invasive speciesBiodiversity conservation and biodiversity enhancement:- To deliver 5 regional projects which are identified in the EBR Biodiversity Framework- To deliver 10 local projects which are identified in the EBR Biodiversity FrameworkThe project closes on 31st March 2014 and has met and in many cases exceeded all its aims and objectives:The project launched the first ever cross border regional Biodiversity framework in Ireland last year at their end of project closure conference. The framework is an excellent working document which each of the Local Authorities will adhere to and will aid them in their future project planning for INTERREG VA.Two joint Local Biodiversity Action Plan (LBAPs)s have been created and produced through the project (Craigavon, Armagh and Banbridge) and (North Down and Ards) these are the first joint documents prepared by the new RPA Local Authorities.In addition Monaghan, Meath and Louth Local Authorities have created and produced individual LBAPs.Through the work of Action for Biodiversity and the forthcoming biodiversity duty for Local Authorities in Northern Ireland biodiversity has been firmly rooted within Local Authority strategy and policy. This has been achieved largely through the framework, dedicated training, communications strategy and participation in on the ground projects.The project established a Regional Biodiversity Forum at the outset of the project which consisted of the project steering committee and 10 additional NGO representatives. The Forum fed into the development and remit of the local and regional projects as well as the framework document.An attitudes survey was conducted at the outset of the project with 1013 people from within the region. This survey was then repeated in late 2013 with 813 people to assess any change in attitudes which could be attributed to the success of the project. The same questions were asked to both sets of people.E.g. 61% of respondents had heard or knew something about the term ‘biodiversity’ (up from 54% in 2011)5 regional projects successfully delivered through the project –1. Resource Management2. Wetlands3. Connecting people4. Bees and grasslands5. Invasive species12 local projects delivered successfully through the project.
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  • 75%   703 329,00
  • 2007 - 2013 Northern Ireland - Border Region of Ireland - Western Scotland (IE-UK)
  • Project on KEEP Platform
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