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Act for Change
Start date: Jun 17, 2014, End date: May 16, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project "Act for Change" aimed to enhance the social inclusion and the well being of young people with fewer opportunities, by empowering them to influence a change their peers live. The project has been implemented in cooperation with Dana and Qadisiyah Local Community Cooperative in Jordan and incorporated two main activities as follows: Activity 1: An youth exchange for 40 marginalized young people with fewer opportunities from Denmark and Jordan. The youth exchange had as main objective to empower the participants to be resourceful and influence a change. During the exchange participants introduced each other to various ways of exploring their dreams and possibilities to attain those. Furthermore, the participants have visited refugee community in Jerash and identified the needs and dreams of young people living in this community. Following the visit, the participants have planned and organised workshops with the young people in the refugee community in Jerash in order to empower them to pursue their dreams. The youth exchange has been concluded with a Local Festival that disseminated the results achieved during the youth exchange and results of the local workshops. The youth exchange has been hosted by the partner in Jordan and has been conducted from 2nd to 15th of November 2014, including travel days. Prior to the youth exchange, an Advanced Planning Visit has been hosted by Jordanian partner where practical details and programme of activities have been discussed and agreed. The APV took place from 7th to 10th of September 2014, including travel days. After the exchange, the Danish participants have conducted a National Campaign in Denmark aiming to disseminate their learning results among other young people with fewer opportunities from Denmark. In this regards, a number of other 15 production schools have been visited where the results have been disseminated. With this occasion, the Danish participants have also launched a fundraising campaign to for the refugee center in Jerash and support their activities with the young Syrian refugees. The overall results of the youth exchange has been disseminated through the Global Spring Festival organized annually by the Ecological Production school in Copenhagen. The Event took place on May 30, 2015 at Røde Plads. Activity 2: A Study visit hosted by the Jordanian partner in Amman, Jordan. The partners met various stakeholders in order to explore possibilities to ensure the multiplication and sustainability of the project. The evaluation with the young people showed that the project strengthened their self esteem and confidence, make them aware of their potential, and empowered them to get social included. At organisational level, the partners strengthen their partnership and made new contacts. The partners agreed on a follow-up project targeting Danish marginalized young people and young people who are Syrian refugees living in Jerash, Jordan.
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1 Partners Participants