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Acquisition d'une expérience linguistique et apprentissage de nouvelles techniques européennnes 9
Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Saint Vincent de Paul High School is a comprehensive school that offers vocational, technical and general baccalaureate but also superior classes as well as a professional license (bac +3). Our aim is to provide our students with vocational education and to give them the same opportunities as others, especially European sections, since they often come from a difficult social background. Our main goal in this project has always been and remains mobility. Indeed, our young vocational studentsfrom Southern France, with the support of their families, are generally very reluctant to mobility. However, we live in one of the regions where the unemployment rate is the highest and our youth need this dynamic mobility to help them in their future job search. The offer of mobility in Europe and in a school context reassures them and impulses them a transcendence and an energy that remains in their memory through their whole life. The secondary objectives are obviously to develop their professional and linguistic skills but also their adaptability and initiative, to discover another culture and create contacts with other young people and finally, to open up to Europe and fully live the European citizenship. Each year, we enrol several young students in this European adventure. They come from the European sections of the tertiary vocational baccalaureates: business, reception, administration and soon health and social studies. We have been carrying mobility projects for over eight years and we strive to maintain an optimum level of quality and improve everything we can through evaluations and satisfaction surveys. We have acquired various networks of foreign partners, schools and businesses that are still active and whose links get stronger each year, in order to support this project. Our school, as well as participants and partners have clearly defined roles which we explain in details in Part D of this report and that we summarize here: St Vincent de Paul’s role, the sending organization: Tell the existence of ERASMUS + select candidates, prepare and manage their mobility, appoint an educational mentor teacher who accompanies them throughout this mobility and manage the project on a financial and administrative point of view. The participants’ role: They are very active and we insist that they participate and get involved in all stages of the project from the preparation to its assessment. The partners’ role: for many years, we have relied on a number of foreign schools that support us in all our actions and appoint a mentor teacher to assist young people in their mobility. Finally, we have a network of companies that trust us. We set together all the training objectives for each youth. The manager appoints a professional mentor who follows the young student throughout his or her training and evaluates him or her at the end of the program. For many years, we have observed the impact of mobility on young people in terms of self-confidence, autonomy, motivation and also in the fact that they want to pursue a higher education. We also measured their progress in a foreign language and into the world of work. In the longer run, we expect our former students who are employed in France or abroad to welcome their younger partners who are willing to follow their footsteps.
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3 Partners Participants