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Achieving the Integration of Migrant communities and Ethnic Residents (AIMER)
Start date: Oct 31, 2008, End date: Dec 30, 2012 PROJECT  FINISHED 

AIMER focuses on the challenge facing local authorities and community organisations in integrating newly arrived migrants and in enabling established ethnic minority communities to improve access to jobs and services. The overarching aim is to demonstrate a model approach to assist local areas across the crossborder zone to integrate ethnic minorities.The partners are coming together to address an issue which is specific to the 2 seas area and which needs to be looked at from all angles. With migration issues being so topical, AIMER hopes to define good practice examples of how ethnic minority community organisations can come together to engage in dialogue with the local authorities.They will first examine existing approaches to the welcoming and integration of new migrants. Partners will also look at the design of new methods and actions to welcome new arrival communities and communicate effectively to them the protocols of the host community. AIMER will then concentrate on both legal and cultural mediation, working with ethnic minority communities to create new community organisations. Expected Results: What are the key results of the project?Activity 1:- 1 French, Dutch and UK welcome pack published- 6 months ESOL training- 51 people - 31 passed their exams in Medway- 3 ESOL trainings for migrant home care workers- 1 ESOL skills for life course in ECC- Basic ICT training started in June 2011 in Medway- 2555 people attended IT lessons in Ostend- 25 ICT courses with 22 people participatingActivity 2:- 2 cultural awareness training for staff and supervisors/managers in ECC- 5 Raising awareness of cultural differences events in Essex and 1 DVD produced- 1 mentoring training by Young Lives- 7 informal events to promote the Roma culture in Medway- 4 Cultural Events- 5 young people courses (mentoring, graffiti, movie)'- 5 multi cultural workshop and Events in Ostend- 84 people helped though aid upon arrival- 7 people followed up by SDV received degree equivalence by the NARICActivity 3:- 2 cross border events- 100 organisations met and exchanged- 3 cross border meetings/study visit- 1 preparation guide for not for profit organisation- J2531 training-action implemented for 7 different organisations from DunkirkAre all partners and territories benefitting from the results?Target groups:- Local authorities, actors in health care, community and social organisations , Eastern European Communities, residents in general, economic actors and local employers.Main beneficiaries:- Local residents and employees, new arrival ethnic communities and host communities, migrant workers in general, young people and the residents from the host communities.Benefits for the territory:Better, safer and more appropriate services to the communities. Public organisations gain a much clearer understanding of how to deliver local services in a culturally more sensitive way, a better welcome and integration into the hosting Member states, more understanding bringing less difficulties in the integration of the new arrival and existing communities, access to qualified labour related to the needs of the employers by learning how to take on board the cultural identities of prospective employees. With access to a broader range of jobs, the migrant communities will be able to improve their quality of their life. Young people can gain access to and prosper in mainstream education and host communities can gain greater awareness of the cultural background of migrant communities.What are the effects / outcomes for the territories involved?The effects and outcomes include the provision of language and skills for life qualifications, ICT qualifications, improve skills and strengthen integration in the educational system/ employment market for migrant children and adults in Medway, Essex, Ostend and Dunkirk. Under Activity 1, the main outcome for all partners’ areas is the improvement of skills of people from the migrant communities.The main outcomes under Activity 2 for all partners’ areas are the improvement of social care workers skills and the training of local migrants. All territories of the project benefited from the Activity 3, with cross border actions, the creation of community organisations representing new arrival communities and the design of a feasibility assessment for migrant communities organisations.The main outcomes under activity 3 are a better cross border understanding of each country’s system of integration, the improvement of migrant communities organisations (structure, quality of management and better links with host country system).

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  • 50%   1 234 201,00
  • 2007 - 2013 2 SEAS (FR-UK-BE-NL)
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

5 Partners Participants