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Accroître ses compétences collaboratives par les TIC
Start date: Jul 1, 2016, End date: Jun 30, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Our consortium is 4 agricultural vocational schools and international openness is an important focus for us. Created in 2015, we filed a folder Ka1 vocational training. We got 82 students and teachers mobilities in 2015.Allow learners to live a professional experience abroad has always been a priority.The objectives of this KA1 VET are to improve their professional practices, their adaptability, their autonomy and cultural openness and therefore under their employability.Since the creation of our consortium, we wish to do well to live our educational team in charge of the projects. Communication is very important when kilometers separate us. The idea to work at times between several members of the consortium without necessarily move, seems to be very effective priority.Furthermore all our experiences have been very rich but they have also highlighted our limits in some areas. Indeed, the first obstacle to the participation of staff has been their lack of confidence in their ability to communicate English.Another difficulty encountered was the lack of digital skills. Indeed these projects were appealing to work collaboratively online, sharing files via Dropbox, creation and nourish websites, the realization of video clips and films. Unfortunately only one or two people involved in these projects were competent in these subjects.Then there was a real awareness that our institutions showed some delay as to the mastery of new tools and the urgent need to modernize our teaching practices and innovate for the respect for our students, and to strengthen our consortium and our European dynamic.Following this realization, several personal also responsible for the operation of the consortium have expressed that a digital training could permit to invest more efficiently in our joint projects.Faced with this two established findings (digital gaps and lack confidence in English communication), it was proposed to look for a training organization that provides training in English on ICTs and their use for educational purposes.Our choice fell on the body Bios Life Long Learning firstly for its experience in European programs but also for its training offer that meets our needs. In fact during the training week the personal will work on the pedagogical use of ICT and will cover areas such as "use of the interactive whiteboard", "social networks and learning", "use of the Internet as a teaching aid", "assembly Video sequences ". ..This training will be provided in English and this is a point that is close to our heart. We want our staff that for the vast majority underestimate live real communication situations to gain confidence in their ability to exchange in English.The expected impact will concern 8 participants in this training they will improve their ICT skills and their ability to use them in an educational context.The benefit of this training will also be for students who will benefit most modern and most attractive teaching practices. We can bet that the students themselves will be encouraged to use ICT more.Following the training, participants will host eight different practical workshops to share and transfer their learning and they will be identified as "ambassadors" of our ICT facilities. So there will be a recognition result of this training.The 8 participants return with an ICT enhanced baggage they will have to transfer but they will also pioneers in the sense that they will be the first (other language teachers) to have participated in training provided in English. We believe that their feedback will encourage other members of the staff lack confidence in their abilities in English to live similar experiences. We therefore believe that participation in this course taught in English is consistent with our desire to increase our European dynamic.Better control will allow ICT to make our teaching practices more in line with modern techniques and requirements of today's society.It will also enable more staff to get involved in European projects. Better attractiveness of our teachings and increased European dynamic is undeniable strengths that our schools will put forward.And then of course , we can use our knowledge to energize our consortium.

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