Search for European Projects

Accompagner les élèves dans la construction de leur identité européenne
Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Our school offers a wide range of educational programs and continuing studies, namely : general secondary studies, technological college, technical college and higher educational studies. Our school is located in a rural area where student life is more sedentary. For some years now, many of our teachers have organized exchanges with foreign schools as well as trips abroad. It is our desire to now offer a fuller, more global program to our students in the means of European openness and to build a real school project that encompasses this open-mindedness: - by corresponding with other young Europeans (students in fifth form) - through European exchanges (students in year 12) - through real life situations that use their linguistic knowledge in a school setting such as evenings where the exchanges families are presented, welcoming visitors in the city, ... - through work-experience exchange programs (for upper sixth year students) Our overall goal is for our students to realize that for better business integration, better personal development and the construction of a better future start with opening up to others, through communication, self-reflection for betterment through cultural, professional and human exchanges and experiences. We are also certain that this type of project can allow youths who are not motivated to give more meaning to their schooling. The projects mentioned below can only be achieved if we, the teachers, are educated and comfortable with the use of foreign languages and if we know the cultures of our European neighbours. These teachers are teachers in the following areas: - Communication -Organization -Administrative Management - History - Geography and Art History - Industrial Construction - Maths - Physical and Sports Education - Accounting Management and Marketing - Economic Management and Accounting In the framework of an experimental program called 'Mobilangues' put into place by the Nantes Regional Education Authority, there are 7 teachers who would like to participate in a training session for two weeks at Oxford this coming October (27 October- 7 November ) in order to improve our practical language skills, to discover the English schooling system and to start to put into place the specific tools be able to teach in English our areas of expertise. SILC (Séjours Internationaux Linguistiques et Culturels), the partner organization with the Nantes Board of Education will ensure the logistical organization of this training course. With these new skills and understanding we think that our school project for European awareness will be: - easier (for undertaking administrative steps abroad) - more legitimate (better linguistic understand in regards to the students) - more motivated ( through the desire to share our experience) - more motivating for the students (because with a very real experience of immersion and setup thanks to our reinforced understanding) - a motor within our school and our town towards a greater European openness (news and school projects as well as bilingual activities and cultural openings in our area). For example, working with our National Heritage intermediaries for the City of Fontenay le Comte, city of Art and History for the National Heritage Day...) This is why we are asking for your help for our Mobility Project, a substantial financial support of which we are very aware, but for which the fruits will also be very consequential for all of us, and especially for our students.
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