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Accepting the other, accepting yourself
Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Mar 1, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Project "Accepting the other, accepting yourself"; is an EVS project including partners from Macedonia and Bosnia and Hercegovina. The project took place at Center Janez Levec Ljubljana. We hosted the two volunteers for 12 months, from the 1. 9. 2014 until the 31. 8. 2015. We are working with children and youngsters with mental disability or/and with learning or behavioural problems. These youngsters and children are often pushed on the edge of active social life. We are experts for special education. Besides educating which is our main task, we are organising activities with which we want to place these children and youngsters in the focus of society. These activities promote inclusive culture and socialising among all children and youngsters from different educational, cultural and social backgrounds. The basics of this free time activities is connecting children and youngsters through playing and spending time together. The themes of the project are disability, creativity and inclusion. Our past experiences have shown that common activities and connecting people through games and playing are an effective tool against discrimination. We use games and playing as a pedagogical tool. The volunteers had the opportunity of realising their own project and being included in the organisational team, in charge of organising inclusive projects. The Macedonian volunteer was tightly connected with art - she organised and held art workshops and helped art teachers at our institution. The work of the Bosnian volunteer was tied to the organisational aspect. We also want the volunteers to play an active role in other activities we organise, outdoor activities and especially our international events ‘Play with me’ (festival, sports event, cultural event, travelling exhibition, experiential pedagogy exchanges). The aim of the project was to promote the exchange of experiences among youngsters from different cultural and social backgrounds, to give the youngsters and children living and educating in the frame of our institution the opportunity to learn about other countries and cultures, to promote values as democracy, freedom, human rights. The project encouraged learning about differences and the accepting of them. The effect of EVS service is widely recognised, not only with those that have a direct contact with it, but also with the local area and its people.
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