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Abruzzo/Europa scuola del futuro: animatori digitali
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The “DIG.E.I_DIGital Expert Innovators” project has been conceived within the activity framework of the Consortium “Abruzzo for Europe”. It thoroughly follows the MIUR guidelines for the “National Plan for Digital School” focusing on the development and enhancement of the school innovation process in the digital domain. It is indeed coherent with the “Abruzzo Regional Plan for Digital School” launched by Abruzzo USR in 2014. "Abruzzo for Europe", constituted by Abruzzo USR and 41 School Institutions of different types and grade levels (21 primary and middle schools and 20 secondary schools). The project context takes into consideration a region with highly different realities. Abruzzo is characterized by two different areas: a mountainous one where population density is low, and where inhabitants have moderate opportunities of contact and exchange with other communities. The other one consists of wide suburban zones, some characterized even by “difficult outskirts” with a significant presence of gipsy groups and migrants where there often coexist cultural deprivation, social disaggregation and reduced motivation for a healthy growth . Therefore, schools represent the best place for social integration and education, where young people start building up their lives on the right of education, tolerance and acceptance. Now, more than ever, schools ought to become “bridges” towards the future, places for cooperation where teachers lead students to be protagonists of their knowledge construction through innovative methodologies and new technologies.With reference to improvement areas identified by the Consortium members the “DIG.E.I.” project focuses on the great potential of the “Animatore Digitale”. The PNSD recommends the identification of such a professional in each school, particularly in support of Quality Development and internationalization. The Project Cycle Management of "DIG.E.I" takes into great account the results of specific context analyses which bind the different needs of target students as "Digital Native", "Neet", "Early schools leavers”, to professional actions, extremely important for educational innovation in Abruzzo.Below is the list of priority topics and related general objectives: 1. Improving quality and methodology of Schools, including the development issue.2. Developing new and innovative curricula and educational methodologies3. Supporting acquisition of digital skills through Digital and ICT technologiesIn those three general areas, the project identifies the specific need to train the Digital Expert Innovators as an eclectic professional whose profile includes an intercultural and versatile vision, remarkable digital skills, high professional experience, undeniable interpersonal talent and knowledge of the English language.Based on the DIG.E.I. profile, three main sub-areas describe the extent and the specific goals:Area 1- Planning and tools:• knowing how to make digital information effective.• knowing how to innovate educational documentation.• knowing how to plan lessons related to long life learning digital curricula.Area 2 - Skills and Knowledge:• knowing how to make digital curricula suitable for Computational Thinking• knowing how to adopt best practices about development of Computational Thinking, Coding and Coding Unplugged.• knowing how to implement teaching methodologies about Educational Robotics.Area 3 - Training• knowing how to activate methodologies and processes of educational and collaborative teaching. • knowing how to work in team in order to involve the school community.A wide range of training activities are to be planned for the members of the Consortium within "DIG.E.I" project, through Job shadowing in schools in Germany, United Kingdom, Spain, Latvia, Estonia, Finland, Belgium, Netherlands and Poland. All those Countries stand out in Europe for their expertise in innovation and excellence in those fields profiling the “Digital Expert Innovators”. After training, “DIG.E.I” will create "Learning Objects", “Innovative digital paths” in different educational areas. Such outcomes will have to highlight DIG.E.I.’s functional skills1. To foster digital processes in the schools2. To spread innovative education policiesby the “Euro-trained teachers”( teachers who follow European teaching strategies) will produce “The digital and hardcopy Report”(DHR) dealing with personal and professional experience and the exchange of views among European colleagues. The DHR will be the tool of dissemination of a real added value of the mobilities towards international schools.The multiplier events “My school has its own DIG.E.I", “DIG.E.I animate and reanimate the school” along with the activities of the Consortium “Abruzzo for Europe” will promote and spread the dialogue among the European schools and stimulate the awareness of the importance of a smart, inclusive and sustainable growth for all teachers and students.
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