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AB Ülkelerinde Anaokullarında Uygulamalı Eğitim
Start date: Sep 15, 2014, End date: Sep 14, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Huma Hatun Vocational Girl High school was built by TOKI (the state mass housing agency) after the earthquake.Our students are the children who live in the vicinity of our school.The homes our students live in also were built by the state mass housing agency (TOKI) after the erarthquake. Nearly, all of our students experienced the earthquake thoroughly and physolojically affected from it.Our students come from the poor families.They live in a conservative vicinity.İt creates some problems and difficulties in their education.All students are girls aged 15-18.We intend them to obtain a precious experience and education which they can never catch during their lifetime with this project.They take the applied training in our school. In the grade 12th they will take the applied training in the public and private nursery schools in our city.As there are not any students in our pediatric development class this year,Our students in 11th grade this school year but who will be in 12th grade next year when this Project be applied will attend the project.Our participating students will be selected with a fair and equal written exam.Each student ‘ll have equal chance in this exam.The academic success of our students will be taken into account in the selection exam.All the activities will be performed by our students in the cooperation of our foreign partner named Centro Social da Paróquia de Arcozeloana İn the Portugal.Our Portuguese partner is a nursing home which serves to the disadvantegous people, primarily the children, the patients and elders.Our students ‘ll perform their practical training in nursery schools,nursing homes, eventide homes and créches of our partners. The space of time we set for these activities is four weeks between the dates 08,02,2015 and 07,03,2015. 15 students ‘ll participate these activities. Our 3 teachers will accompany them. Beacuse they have never been abroad before,they are under age and The Van Governor Office stipulates 3 attending teachers for this project.Also, these attending teachers will help the students to perform educational activities more efficiently.All these activities will be carried out under the control and supervision of our school management board.All the responsibilities of this project belong to the the directorate of our school in each step. the directorate of our school undertake all the responsibilites such as preparing the final report,signinig the treaty with the national agency,selecting and preparing attendees,organizing the travels communicating with our foreign partner,propogating the se activities. The basic tasks of our foreign partner called Centro Social da Paróquia de Arcozeloanais to provide our students with accomadation,security,food,transportation during these activities.Also , collecting neccassary informations,and disseminating them for preparation belong to our partner too . We envisage that our students will obtain very valuable educational experiences which they can never get in our country with this project.Morever, our disadvantageous children in Van who can’t advance themselves due to the culturel manners ,will get the chance to develop themselves individually by visiting and living in the foreign countries.Furtermore ,One of the greatest benefits of this project will be helping our students who experienced an awful eartquake and who lost their relatives a short while ago to rehabilitate and recover.

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