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AB'de İş Güvenliği Uygulamaları
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Sep 1, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

"EU Safety Practices"" is a project which consist of 25 participants. Teachers who have been identified from the project owner Riza Tevfik Ileri Vocational and Technical High School and sending participant partners Artvin Vocational and Technical High School, Besikdüzü Vocational and Technical High School , Giresun 125th Year Vocational and Technical High School. Our project which consisted of 25 participants , was a Mobility of training staff. At the end of our placement activities of our project participants; current practice applied in the field of occupational health and safety in Economy and industry developed in the EU , the measures taken by observing implemented training programs; businesses healthy and creating a safe workplace, reduction of risk through good risk management, environmental protection, increasing employee productivity, occupational accidents result will be formed conscience, to minimize the financial and legal responsibility of enterprises, in the modern sense by increasing the productivity of labor practices and seeing innovative approaches in Europe , they have developed their skills and knowledge in the field of occupational safety. The total of 25 participants in the placement activities, improve their professional knowledge and skills in the safety field. In order to achieve the expected high level of productivity in the workplace, occupational health and safety program have learned very well planned and the full implementation of the requirements. In addition, the study of healthy and sustainable living, raise employees' quality of life, enterprises awareness that occupational health and worker safety at the beginning of the action to be taken for the development of quality production by increasing the productivity is increased. Beneficiaries are practical and applied their observations, especially in terms of learning the universal methods to integrate our own country, they participated in the labor market as more experienced. We have recognized the opportunity to become more qualified staff located in our participants by increasing their professional qualifications in the field of occupational health and safety at work placement phase of our project. They attended cultural events to learn about German culture, has developed the skills to recognize and understand the different cultures. Our participants also lack of foreign language on a very important element for the personal development of vocational training with linguistic activities were largely costs. Our participants participated in the 2-week placement activities in coordination Fides Education Gmbh located in Berlin, Germany between 1st flow: 03-05-2015-16 / 05/2015 2nd Flow 17/05 / 2015-30 / 05/2015 . This training has been completed towards the project plan. As a result, all of the project goals and objectives of our text application, planned preparation, adhering to the placement and training plan has been reached.

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