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A way to understand each other: eat and talk
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

CONTEXT:The aim of this project is the development of the digital and communication skills in foreign languages (English - Italian). The project has to also involve other generations (including grandparents, parents, teachers of different subjects) to share their knowledge, values and skills. The topic to work with is gastronomy, food as an approach to understand better the society and history of different nations. OBJECTIVES: -developing foreign language skills of the participants -developing ICT skills of students and teacher staff - extend teachers methodology competences -spread more knowledge about the gastronomy, culture and history of partner countries, eating habits as a possible tool to get to know each other and different cultures and decrease the prejudice between different nations -make the participants more tolerant and open-minded towards another culture -motivate young people to respect and aware their natural and cultural heritage and other's -involve schools and their entourage into cooperation -generate a greater interest to active citizenship, personal fulfillment and social inclusion -facilitating the validation of non-formal and informal learning and its permeability with formal education pathways -promoting the professional development of staff and youth workers in ICT methodologies NUMBER AND PROFILE OF PARTICIPANTS: The number of Italian participants is 16, between 15-19 year- old, from the Istituto di Istruzione Superiore "Stanga” which is the only secondary school in the whole province of Cremona devoted to education in agriculture ( upon which the economy of the whole province is based) and provides both Technical and Vocational curriculums with 2 farms and 1 dairy/cheese school factory that can sell to customers the products made by the students. Most of them coming from neighbouring towns or their rural areas. Most students’ families work in agriculture , and their education level in not very high. The number of Hungarian participants is 16, between 16-18 year-old, from the Kölcsey Ferenc Gimnázium (Kölcsey Ferenc Secondary Grammar School) is an accredited member of the National Talent Point Network. If we want our stuents to experience and enjoy learning, communicating in English and in Italian, we need to organize plenty of extracurricular activities for them. The most important area of talent cultivated is teaching foreign languages. The participants attend our school for 5 years and they are specialised in Italian and English languages. METHODOLOGY: We are going to use the methodology of non-formal education using the manual of the European Commission using these methods, and the tools of suggested by e-Twinning. We would like to use also the methods of coopeative learning like pair and team work, project work and the possibilities given by ICT tools and Web2. The participant teachers would like to extend their professional skills by trying new non-formal methods. RESULTS, IMPACTS: -the participants became more tolerant and open-minded towards cultural diversities - they became more competent in the active using of Italian and English -they became more competent in the using of ICT tools, especially -give them competences (social, professional, linguistic) to have more chance for the future on job market - teacher staff enlarge the professional competences, learn about different educational systems, teaching methods, new educational technologies and approaches LONGER TERM BENEFITS: The school and local communities will also benefit from the contact with the partners as well as with the final product as this will give them a window to various countries in Europe and their cultures. This is particularly relevant for the many small communities of the partners involved in the project. We will utilize the website to spread the outcomes of the project; the classes will organize workshops and little shows for the audience of younger students of our and other schools: so the community can become more aware of the European dimension of education. In these activities, the local municipality will also be involved.

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