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A Teacher Developing His Competences Is The Reflection of Modern School
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project "A Teacher Developing hIs Competences is the Reflection of Modern School" is a project to share experiences , good practices and tasks learned through the use of New Technologies. The international character of the project adds quality, being, moreover, an example of cooperation and collaboration between European citizens.Being able to observe the reality of a different school is a chance to adquire new knowledge , new responsabilities and new tools that will translate in the improvement of our schools.Through this project we will gain awareness of the importance of the European identity as a link between cultures, enriching our performance as teachers.The aims of the project are:-To adquire and develop innovative methodologies in order to improve education.-To promote a responsable use of mobile devices, and to explore the possiibilities of its use in the classroom.-To encourage an intercultural conscience.-To improve foreign language learning.-To facilitate collaboration between educators.-To highligt the importance of sharing ideas abour school adminstration.-To create a "bank" with examples of good practices about improvements in educatuion, use of New Technologies and mobile devices.
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