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A szakmám Európában- milyen esélyeim vannak?
Start date: Jul 1, 2015, End date: Jun 30, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Our Project „ My Profession in Europe-what chances I have“ is the continuation of the long term cooperation between our school and our German partner (SHW). Our main goal is the convergence of theory and practice. We find it very important, that our students could gain up-to-date knowledge so they can fulfill the expectations in the world of work of modern Europe. By a practice abroad, our students could get to know a new work-atmosphere, they learn to adapt to it and their language skills are developing too. Twice 12 cook, waiter, confectioner and restaurateur takes part in the project. The social background is also part of the multiple step selection. The participants take part in language-, cultural- and conflict management-preparation courses by our teachers and by the German partner. The first group departs from Hungary 4.10.2015 with one attendant teacher who is responsible for the students and for the interpretation. The German partner is responsible for the transportation to hotels and also helps to overcome the problems during the training. The students work altogether 160 hours in 4 weeks with 2 free days per week. In these 4 weeks our students can acquire the most important skills, knowledge, attitude and independence which are also could be found on the ECVET evaluating form. The group members are working on their specialized work field, but by rotation they are also able to get to know other professions in catering. During the practice the leading board of our school monitors the trainees. At the end the 4 weeks the SHW evaluates the results of the students and issues a certificate recognized by our school. The students travel to Hungary 2.11.15. In our school the students keep their presentation. The second group travels in the same period of 2016 and will have same conditions as the first group. The results of this project will be published in many forums such as our website, newspapers or school and city events. We hope that the ERASMUS+2015 will help with the continuity of practices abroad and will raise the prestige and quality of our school’s professional education.
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