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Start date: Nov 1, 2016, End date: Oct 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Rouen, Liverpool have experienced the same ups and downs of history: international harbors since antiquity, soon turned to all the world's seas , slave and cotton trade ... that have settled the commercial activities, then the industrial ones.Being sea and river ports , their access required major development work . Substantially modified at the end of the second world war , hit by crises linked to the competition from emerging countries , they adapted painfully;Unhealthy and miserable docklands were recaptured ; the rehabilitated architecture , is now welcoming tertiary and cultural activities while port activities have moved downstream.Our Erasmus+ mobility project " With opened quays " is thus organized around the port as the central idea of reflection.Our school is located in the city of Rouen , a historic port and now in the heart of a new trading dynamic involving many European ports.With the Normandy-Seine axis from Paris to Le Havre (called HAROPA in French ) as the backbone of trade flows , our project is part of a policy of openness and mobility towards the ports which are identified in this exchange networking and sharing a single economic and cultural identity.Our project is based on the mobility of learners and teaching staff in commerce and administration. Eight students and four teachers would therefore be mobilized to conduct an internship both in economical and educational fields in a port city.In each of the mobility, students and teachers in commerce will be at the heart of an evolving system. Port areas have been converted into commercial areas by rehabilitating docks. Its new spaces will give a comparative analysis to identify how the stores have now invested this port space. We also want to identify factors of atmosphere, cultural and social identity that have been reinvested in this urban renewal.Students and teachers in administration will be immersed into a changing economic environment. The administrative management of port logistics currently undergoes a digital revolution. The real-time monitoring of freight flows, paperless work supports are new working methods that require new skills.The exchange of professional practices, training periods are therefore built on learning these innovative techniques with the language spoken in each country.In addition to improving the practice of language in the workplace, improving administrative techniques and the use of new digital practices are the first results expected in this mobility.On cultural and historical grounds, each participant will invest to develop his skills in a new economic world.Our 2016 project is a first step in building in another short- long project where the high school Gustave Flaubert , pilot of the academic network of the trainings related to retail and business services would be the bearer of a more ambitious project that would commit several other school members of this network.

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