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A munkaerőpiacon hasznosítható tudás növelése külföldi szakmai tapasztalatok megszerzésével és továbbadásával a Pettkó lovasiskola diákjai számára
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project entitled „Increase the usable knowledge from foreign training periods for the Pettko equestrain school’s students to achieve better labour market position" comes to existence within the framework of international cooperation of five countries, namely Romania , Slovakia, Czech Republic, Ireland, Hungary. The project is based on the needs formulated by the sending institution that the school is looking for ways to support the improvement of labor market opportunities for its students. Our specific aim is to involve our students to participate in internships abroad, during which they can increase their specific professional knowledge by the help of the host institution. Moreover, students could easily increase and strengthen their professional language skills in a foreign language environment. Besides, students can be part of an intercultural program. The basis of the implementation is the practical work program of the individual turns. The working language of the project is English, it is used in contacts among the partners as well as for the practical training. At the beginning of the project participants are trained by an English language and cultural preparation course. During the project, a total of twenty-seven students and four teachers (one for each turn) travel to the foreign partners. Four out of the students (one in each turn) come from disadvantaged background. The internship of the participants will be monitored by local assistants (one contact mentor for each turn). The students will complete their internship in the following institutions : 1 Zeyk Domokos School Center - Székelykeresztúr, Romania: in the first training program shifts (29/09/2014-26/10/2014) will travel students there, where the school and its partners can help them become familiar with the traditional Transylvanian horse keeping and gain insight into the manufacturing processes of harness, learning about its traditional methods in general. Eight students and one teacher are going to travel to the professional internship. 2 Vocational School - Sala, Slovakia: students travel to Slovakia in the second shift (02-29/03/2015) getting to know the horse-keeping methods in Slovakia , and the basics of racing. Eight students and one accompanying teacher will participate there. 3 Sports and Horse Riding School - Prague, Czech Republic: in the Czech host institution students will be familiar with the Czech horse racing at the third shift (28/09/2015-25/10/2015). They are also going to learn the methods of horse-breeding and horse keeping of the Czech Republic. Eight students and one accompanying teacher travel to Prague. 4 Racing Academy & Centre of Education - Kildare, Ireland: in the Irish partner institution our students will increase their knowledge and skills related to traditional Irish horse breeding and racing (gallop) in the fourth shift (29/02/2016-27/03/2016). Three students and one accompanying teacher travel to Ireland. As a result of the project the professional knowledge and skills of students will significantly improve as well as their English language skills develops. They will gain higher professional knowledge in this field. Besides, they will gain professional as well as positive cultural experiences, which will be a major motivation for their future studies work. The accompanying teachers also develop professionally, their knowledge will expand and they can get to know methods that the school can embed into its own educational program in the future. After the end of each turns, our institution will spread the results of the project on local and other fora. These results will contribute to our aim that, with the spreading of them, the long-term effects of the project would integrate into the professional development efforts of our school in Hungary.
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4 Partners Participants