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A Multifunctional AgRiculture for SUstainable PerI-urban Areas (MARSUPIA)
Start date: May 1, 2014, End date: Apr 30, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

"Most European and Canadian metropolitan areas are expanding over rural land (i.e. urban sprawl). The loss of prime agricultural land and the proximity of farms to urban land uses has motivated the implementation of land use regulations (zoning). French zoning (decentralized and easily revisable) and Canadian zoning (centralized and strict) influence farmers' perceptions of land access uncertainty. Consequently farmers are assumed to make different investment, production, and marketing decisions depending on their policy context.The MARSUPIA project aims at assessing the impact of land use zoning policies on farmers' investment, production, and marketing decisions, and thus on the supply of local food and agricultural amenities in peri-urban areas.To answer this question, a comparative analysis of the impact of French and Canadian zoning policies is implemented. The methodology is based on a mix of qualitative methods (mental mapping with focus groups) and quantitative methods (econometric analyses using farm individual data). Additionally, recent sampling methods are implemented in order to provide theoretical findings about their validity (dosage methods) as well as to test the robustness of results.This project is a perfect springboard for the principal investigator (PI). This is the opportunity to strengthen his network at UT1 and UoG where he worked as a PhD student and a Visiting Scholar, respectively. He will also acquire new skills: research skills (methodological and theoretical), technical skills (use of new software), language skills (English), and training skills (supervision of master students). Moreover, the publication of research papers in international reviews and recommendations for decision-makers provides an opportunity to improve the visibility of PI's research.Finally, this project is a springboard for future collaborations. Discussions have already begun for implementing the PI's methodology in China to get a third set of results."
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