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A la découverte de Vienne, un modèle de qualité de vie, au cœur du tourisme durable.
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

CONTEXTOur school regularly has participated to some European exchanges for years. It is a great motivation for our students. For two years we have worked with our Austrian colleagues and it is really rewarding as it is a real collateral collaboration. That is why we want to go on having common projects. We also would like to work with them because of sustainable tourism. Europe has focused on sustainable development and Austria is a very good example of it. It is one of the targets of the French ministry of National Education and ours too. NUMBER AND PROFILE OF THE PARTICIPANTSLearners : 30 students of the class « Terminale Baccalauréat Professionel Restauration » (Professional High school training to become cooks and waiters and Pastry cooks). Their English levels vary a lot but they are all motivated to have a training Period abroad , and get new skills. They realize the plus of getting those assets , especially where we live (South of France is a very touristic area). OBJECTIVES 1) Make the students become aware of sustainable development during their education and through their jobs. Spread the good word. 2) Improve their English level and learn a bit of German : many German tourists come to this place on holidays. 3) Personal accomplishment : they gain autonomy 4) This training Period will be the final point of all the skills they learned ( cooking, serving and selling products , use green products, use labeled products) MOBILITY ACTIVITIES BEFORE THEY GO - Interview the people at school and spread the good word. - Write a book of green recipe and present it to our partners and school administration.- Write on the school blog about it. DURING THEIR TRAINING PERIOD - Write a logbook, fill in questionnaires, interview our partners.- Visit some place related to sustainable development. AFTER THEIR TRAINING PERIOD - Compare the studies on the two countries- Give some ideas of Professional applications (water saving , waste sorting) - Special « green » evening party at the school restaurant to present the logbook and leaflet.- Talk about your experience to the other students. METHODOLOGY The concerned classes about this Erasmus programme will be prepared to it for the year course and by the teachers of different subjects (French, history, English, cooking etc.) The teachers and coordinators will manage it.Our green partners (Malongo Cy, Slow Food…) will come and explain things and they will visit some green hotels and restaurants. All the students will be taught about to this Erasmus programmes, even if 30 out of 96 will go to AustriaIMPACT ET PLANNED RESULTS - Teach sustainable so that they could explain it to their classmates. -Become aware of your European citizenship.- Gain professional skills (in cooking – serving – cook pastry) by learning new techniques. - Improve your English - Get more chance to get a job in France and abroad.- Develop some relationships with the students and the place where they work in Austria. - Participate to build up some projects with the school administrations. LONG TERM AVANTAGESGive the students the envy of getting more involved in their education and understand the plus of a training period abroad. Realize concrete sustainable development project linked actions in our school. Make our students become green European citizen and ask a green label for our school.

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