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A friend in NEET is a friend indeed: peer-led education approach for the empowerment of linguistic minority youth in a NEET situation.
Start date: Jul 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

According to the recent figures released by the International Labour Organisation, the number of 16-24 year olds representing different linguistic minority groups in the EU countries and being in NEET situation (not in education , employment or training) for more than a year has risen by 30% over the last 5 years.The number of young people from a linguistic minority background who have been out of job , education or training for more than a year is constantly increasing (despite the fact that overall long-term youth unemployment has actually decreased by 1%). So while the economy is apparently doing better, that's not actually what's happening for young people from linguistic minority communities.The innovativeness of this project is in its aim to promote social inclusion and active youth participation by empowering peers to address these issues in their immediate daily peer group environment of different linguistic minorities suffering from unemployment and social exclusion.The youth exchange will involve 16 participants from each of the partner groups in the UK, Italy, Latvia and Portugal and will take place in Catania, Italy for 10 days.The target group for this exchange project is young people from linguistic minority families who face employment, educational and /or training difficulties, including those with a difficult social/economic background. This target group have fewer opportunities to participate in any exchanges and get intercultural understanding. They do not possess sufficient resources to get international experience. But empowering them to set socially valuable goals and giving them instruments to reach these goals will make our partner European communities healthier, more human and inclusive.With this project we want to promote non-formal ways of communication between groups of linguistic minority young people coming from different European countries by letting them share their skills and achievements with other young people in a NEET situation in peer-led workshops. It includes the youth participation aspect as it is strongly present in non-formal education, peer leadership and peer education. The objectives of the youth exchange include: sharing innovative visions and practice possible ways of social and community inclusion of linguistic minority youth in a NEET situation by active participation in their local and regional peer-led projects; finding out how the non-formal learning affects the lives of linguistic minority youth in a NEET situation throughout the “New Europe” and agreeing upon action-centred strategies that help young people to address the issues raised; making progress in recognition of non-formal learning and peer leaders’ inputs and achievements; raising cultural awareness between different countries and promoting cooperation and understanding.One of the project’s aims is to develop cooperation with the participating Erasmus+ Programme countries. The Erasmus+ programme will be also explored and promoted, which will lead to follow up projects and usage of the skills gained during this exchange in terms of paying more attention to the topics of Dissemination and Transfer of Skills / Knowledge from the project.From the point of view of methodology, the project is built upon the “learning by doing” and “mixed nationality” principles. Participants will be encouraged to generate new methods of inclusion for peer groups. On the main Activity workshop, the participants will be given chance to share their knowledge and achievements and to find out how they can act together, as a whole group, to bring advantages to their local youth groups. Youth leaders will also help to create educational environment where the participants are encouraged to work on their own projects and find out how peer leaders can participate in multi-national projects.It is important to note that the advantages gained and skills acquired at this exchange will be used not only by participants of the project but also disseminated to local youth groups, and the organisations that take part in such intercultural follow up projects will use it in both local and European context.

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