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A European Effective Practice Model and Impact Measurement Tool for sport-inspired social inclusion programmes
Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: Jun 30, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The Football League Trust and its consortium partners each deliver a range of activities in their respective countries which aim to use the “Power of Football” to positively impact the issues that impact on social inclusion.An extensive Context and Policy Review in each of the partner territories to determine how sport currently impacts local, regional and national policy in a range of social policy domains highlighted the fact that, although there is significant empirical and anecdotal evidence that sport can have a positive impact on a range of social problems, there is very little definitive evidence, and certainly no attempt to share learnings or data across European boundaries.Although the monitoring and evaluation activities carried out by the respective consortium partners indicate that existing programmes have a positive impact on a range of social problems, the organisations currently operate in isolation, with virtually no international cooperation or sharing of best practice to identify the programmes/activities that have the most impact. Furthermore, there is currently no mechanism for organisations delivering sport-based social inclusion activities to measure, or place a value, on these activities.There is therefore a distinct need for a best practice model which draws on the experience of organisations that are addressing the issues relating to social inclusion via sport, to create a consistent and measurable set of resources which can be used by practitioners across Europe to deliver targeted and cost effective outcomes in the key areas that impact on social inclusion.To address this need, this project will develop Online Resources and an Impact Measurement Tool for the delivery of social inclusion programmes across Europe. The resources will be implemented by the consortium partners via established delivery mechanisms within their own territories as well as being made freely available to a wide range of stakeholders across Europe.
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6 Partners Participants