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A Constructive Approach to Teaching: Creative Drama
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

With the new arrival of constructivist theory in education in this century, more emphasis is put on the importance of self learning and self activity. This theory also brought many understandings with itself like creative drama which is integrated to many country's education curriculum such as Turkey and now is performed in many countries as creativity is often intriguing, exciting and contribute more into enhanced learning. It involves seeing things in new ways and breaking rules and lets students to sense democratic way of learning without any harsh rules of traditional lecturing still employed in many classes. Instead of memorizing knowledge or wandering around the boundaries drawn by teachers, letting children to learn according to their own imaginary world is utmost important for the name of raising a new, unique, creative generations which is also desired by project partners. Thus, we are in this partnership to free all minds and bodies in our schools and let students learn as they wish in their own way which is the basic assumption of constructivism and let teachers to learn the ways to use creative drama in classes! The main activities in project are "Training teachers about constructivism and its implementation in classroom through creative drama; Seminars as to creative drama and the problems faced in implementing it; Online interaction through web 2.0 technologies and experience sharing through videos, booklet or course-book or booklet preparation" These will have varying effects as the project will last two years and will have many benefits during and on its completion. With the partnership activities; we expect to get a deeper knowledge about dramas, traditions, and life conditions of other countries and be in more intensive cooperation among partners by placing the development soul of EU mentality in the middle of project. The benefits of being together with other teachers, visiting other schools and meeting their pupils, will improve our job as teachers, leading to a diversity on the surface but uniformity inside as shared European teacher entity. Through discussions on pedagogical, ethical, behavioral problems, inclusive topics, and common concerns we will enlarge our perspective, working on students' creativity. We are sure the impact and benefits of European cooperation will increase motivation and capacity in our students. They will raise the importance of learning and will enrich our pupils' creativity."Imagine. Create. Innovate".These three ideas will also sustain our project, in which creativity will be the driver for innovation, and the most important key factor for the development of personal and social competence and the"well-being of all the individuals in society". The inter-cultural understanding that helps everybody be tolerant in our multicultural world is another latent result of the project. So through this partnership, we plan to: General Objectives: To ease burden of teaching in teacher-centered ways and put student in the center, instead. To lead-in the international dialogue: improving pupils and teachers language skills. To reinforce sharing teachers' expertise through videos or online platform. To involve students in group work in order to contribute to the awareness of being a responsible member of the community. To prove that creativity is not related with the age and size, it is a learning method. Pupils: To enlarge students’ imagination boundaries by using drama method To improve creative skills (using a variety of mediums and techniques) such as brain-storming,storytelling... To improve social skills, raising confidence and self -esteem. To let students acquire information naturally. Teachers: To increase children’ attention in lessons To guide children in developing empathy skills To be a guide to children for building original products To facilitate personal interaction with teachers from other European nations. To transform teaching from memorized schedule to more enjoyable teaching atmosphere. We will use the approach of multilateral cooperation, comparison, cultural study, ICT, web conferences, discussion forums, project meetings, teachers and head teachers' exchanges; power point presentations, common meetings, (web) conferences, workshops, seminars and debates; school systems presentations. The assessment of the impact and results of this partnership will be carried out in a continuous way according to our project objectives under the responsibility of steering group. They will manage three specific evaluations in the whole project process: an initial assessment in the beginning, a formative assessment during the process and a summative assessment at the end. As stated in communication part, regular communication to partner institutions will be made through the technologies of information, namely e-mail, conversations through Internet with web camera and calls etc, so we will be using these medias to control and evaluate the process.

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