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A Climate for Change 2.0
Start date: Oct 3, 2015, End date: Dec 2, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Legambiente Prato offers a long term EVS service (12 months of activity period from 03/11/2015 to 02/11/2016) to 4 volunteers coming from Spain, Hunghery, Greece, Russian Federation. The volunteers are selected on the basis of their profile and their motivation to join the project. The context which volunteers are involved in is tailored on their needs and preparation thanks to the host organization's staff which offers its skills and experience (8 years of EVS projects carried out so far by Legambiente Prato) to new- comers EVS volunteers. Volunteers will be hosted in an apartment displaced in the historical center of Prato close to the main facilities and to the local office of Legambiente Prato. The project deals with promotion of healthy and sustainable life styles through outdoor activities like: hiking, environmental education and ecotourism through the natural reserve in order to enhance social inclusion and reinforce public partecipation. The EVS project is also intended to promote Environment and Climate Change topics thanks to environmental education, workcamps and social events. Finally the project pushes youngsters' creativity and culture thanks to evs volunteers contribution. Below the list of activities: • Environmental education and outdoor/trekking: Legambiente Prato cooperates with several public schools providing indoor and outdoor environmental activities concerning Energy-Climate Change- Recycling- Water and Excursionism in natural protected areas. • International workcamps: Support young foreign short-term volunteers who participate in a 2-weeks international workcamps in natural protected areas displaced in the province of Prato. EVS volunteers are leading volunteers teams in cleaning green areas, working on pathways. • Work in the hostel “Rifugio Le Cave”: Help local operators in hostelling activities (kitchen and cleaning service) in order to promote eco-tourism and hiking through the natural reserve. • Summer camps for children in Rifugio Cave: during summer time Rifugio Le Cave hosts up to 6 children summer camps. During this period volunteers will be actively involved in to 2 main tasks: support to local educators and support to hostelling activities. • Happening and social events: “Clean up the world”- “Energy Festival”- “Volunteering Festival”-“Tree -Fest”…, are national and local events that reflects aims and goals of the association to the citizenship. EVS volunteers are called to participate and set- up these public initiatives. Projecting and planning of new incoming events to promote on a local level environmental themes is also an action to be pointed out by EVS volunteers • Garden in the Theatre: legambiente Prato collaborates with a local theatre company supporting them, thanks to the EVS volunteers, in experimental environmental theatre actions, which are dedicated to children and families. • Sustainable Mobility: Legambiente Prato cooperates with local and national organizations dealing with low impact mobility in order to promote public initiatives to reduce the CO2 footprint and solicitate citizenship to move themselves in a healthier way (by bike, by feet, public transportation, car pooling,..) • Citizen Science: Active citizenship is one of the most important european priorities. With the new-coming approach of “Citizen Science” Legambiente Prato want to show to local citizenship, young students families how Biodivesity can be studied and appreciated even without a specific educational background. Thanks also to ICT based tools it will be possibile to discover biodiversity in terms of plants, insects, lichens and many more. The volunteers will be actively involved in all activities and decision making. Shared on-line calendar will be provided to all volunteers as well as to the responsible of activities. This kind of experience will offer to the volunteers the opportunity to animate the life of local community, and moreover will give them the opportunity of team working as well as ideas and tools exchange. EVS volunteers will be always supported by local operators who will stimulate self-help attitude and spirit of autonomy The envisaged results and impact are a growth of personal and professional skills, sharing a life experience with a group of people; cultural exchange between the parties involved; increased sensitivity to diversity of the host community; greater openness to the creation of new experiences for international exchange.

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