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A BéKSZI Európában
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

- The background and the context of the project: Békéscsaba Center of Vocational Training (BSZC) and its departments (with their predecessor institutions) have been involved in international projects since 2003. First only one or two teachers acted as coordinators, but over the years more and more of our colleagues joined them in the work of executing the projects. We have been participating in LdV tenders and formed a reliable and well-functioning relationship with numerous partners. In this project the participants are the partners with whom we have already carried out several successful LdV projects and with whom we would like to continue successful mobilities. Furthermore, we expand our international network with the involvement of our new partners. -The targets of the project: Participant students should be able to do independent and precise work. They should be able to make responsible decisions. They should improve their confidence and ability to initiate. The message of their speech should be understandable and their word choice should show variety. They should be able to apply their knowledge in the right situations and in the proper way. They should show creativity. They should acquire the ability to think independently, break down and execute tasks logically. Developing professional competencies: gaining theoretical professional knowledge in another European country; gaining practical professional experience in the modern European industry, such as the hospitality industry, commerce, logistics, and service sector. Developing personal competencies: developing organizational skills, punctuality, independence, problem solving skills, responsibility, cooperative skills, self-understanding, application. Developing intercultural competencies: helping students become European citizens (identity, consciousness); increasing understanding, acceptance, openness and tolerance towards other cultures as well as empathy. Developing language competencies: developing oral communication skills, improving students’ ability to make contact and communicate with foreign language speakers (in English), widening students’ professional vocabulary in English and providing them with opportunities to practice, increasing understanding of foreign language texts (English). - The number and profession of participant students according flow timeline: 1 Malta: 1 car mechanic, 2 bricklayers, 1 floorer and tiler 2 Malta: 2 cooks, 1 catering and restaurant manager (waiter practice), 1 pastry chef 3 Slovakia: 5 welders 4 Malta: 2 cooks, 2 catering and restaurant managers (waiter practices), 2 pastry chefs 5 Malta: 3 merchants, 1 shop assistant 6 Germany: 4 logistic executives 7 Slovakia: 5 welders 8 England: 2 shop assistants, 1 automotive technician 9 Slovakia: 4 welders, 1 industry mechanic 10 England: 3 car electronics mechanics 11 Malta: 4 logistic executives The participant students take part in vocational secondary school or vocational secondary school training, altogether 47 people (38 men and 9 women). The numbers of disadvantaged students are 27 people. The numbers of underage students are 15 people. -The main steps of the project: I. completing the application for the tender, II. the continuous realization of the mobilities: 1. making contact with the host institution (via phone calls, emails, reaching an agreement about the programs and schedules) 2. inviting applications for the mobilities, collecting the letters of motivation, selecting the participating students, 3. preparation of the students (professionally, psychologically, culturally, language) ,4. conducting the mobility project, 5. evaluating the experiences, 6. disseminating the experiences, III. final project evaluation, IV. making final report. -The outcomes of the project: Students’ individual account about their experiences. Photographs and videos made during the time of practicum. Minutes, work diaries and an account made by the group of project participants. The students’ skills and abilities are developed, their professional motivation strengthen. The quality of BSZC’s vocational training is improved, the number of students participating in vocational training abroad increased. -Short-term effect: Gaining experiences during a practicum placement to fulfil the requirements described in the central program of the vocational training program. As a proof of the successful completion of the training participating student will receive a Europass Mobility Certificate. -Long-term effects and benefits: We inform the public about the completed training through the channels of dissemination: the media and the press. As a result, the school can expect an increase in enrolment. The project helps increase the participants’ chance of employment and gives them an advantage in the job market through the experiences gained in an international work environment; through application of acquired modern knowledge, and professional language skills and communication.
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6 Partners Participants