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A.B.C.D. YOUNG! - Young People Across Borders, Cultures and Diversities
Start date: Mar 1, 2015, End date: Feb 29, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Around 1.5 billion people live in countries affected by repeated cycles of social, political and criminal violence (World Bank, 2011), located predominantly in Latin America and the Caribbean and in Central and Southern Africa. Soleterre and the partner organizations of Ivory Coast, Uganda, El Salvador, Honduras, Dominican Republic, Italy and Spain have worked for many years in the field of youth in Latin America, Africa and Europe, addressing the two-way association between violence and under-development. Since there is a close relationship between violence and discrimination on one side, and youth unemployment and inequality on the other side, the project aims to promote solidarity and tolerance among young people at both European and international level, by using a broad range of educational approaches and non-formal methodologies whose results can be spread and adopted to improve the quality of the formal education system. This project aims at enhancing the opportunities for cooperation, mobility and lifelong learning between Partners and Programme countries, in order to develop shared methodologies based on previous experience and good practices exchange. Core activities of the project will be: 1.Monthly virtual meetings among the participant organizations to exchange information, good practices and strenghtening collaborations; 2.Two capacity building workshops (focused on the development of live skills and the themes of violence and violence prevention, human rights, restorative justice, legality and active citizenship, inclusive growth, social media and advocacy), including training and exchange of good practices based on peer and popular education, aiming at empowering young people to become active players in the educational process rather than passive recipients of a set message; 3.Dissemination meetings (in each organization and with local authorities); 4.Realization of strategic tools supporting the process (methodological guide, ICT platform). The project aims at training trainers, which strategically has a multiplier effect on young leaders as well as on their associations and communities, functioning as a domino effect. Thus, the participants will undertake both to disseminate and implement what was learned during the workshops and to exchange good practices with other young leaders and associations in their countries, improving the quality of youth work at local and national level.Fostering youth empowerment and young people’s active participation and promoting the development of sustainable partnerships among the organizations involved in the project and with other formal and informal groups, will contribute to reach the overall objective of the intervention: improving the quality of youth work and non-formal learning and enhancing their synergies and complementarities with the formal education system in order to promote young people’s social inclusion and well-being by reducing school drop-out and youth unemployment.

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