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Start date: Nov 1, 2014, End date: Dec 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

BACKGROUND Health and safety in the workplace is currently one of the most important aspects of developing an EU policy in regard to employment and social affairs. In 2006 Eurostat agency has estimated near 5720 deaths per year related to labour accidents and the International Labour Organization stated an average of 159,500 workers who died due to labour diseases. SME’s workers show the worst numbers, with 82% of all accidents and 90% of fatal accidents. The European Commission also noted that "changes in work are leading to new occupational risks, and increasing the number of work-related diseases”. According to the European Commissioner for Employment, economic losses related to the absence of prevention strategies on workers costs in a billion € per year. This situation is particularly relevant in the cement industry. The cement production process can be divided into two aspects of manufacturing processes and quarrying activities. The different hazards and types of activities in quarrying as compared to cement production may mean that different management system priorities, approaches and training and educational programs may be needed to improve safety and health performance in these two areas. Ensuring healthy and safe working conditions for employees is one of the most important issues for the cement industry. OBJECTIVES The main aim of this project is to promote the use of risk prevention measures in the cement quarries and processing plants through the production of innovative training material based on 3D animations. It will be based on transferring the methodology of a previous transnational consortium working in the field of risk prevention for other sectors, which results are widely promoted and disseminated by the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work. Specific objectives: a) To research on the main risk situations during the production of cement. b) To define the key situations for the multimedia materials' production. c) To produce an ICT based learning tool and enable awareness a rising in the risks' prevention field from a practical-orientated approach. PRODUCTS The main results of the project are: a) A compilation of EU and Country-specific regulations relative to safety at work and risks' prevention in the cement sector. b) A report related to cement sector with: 1) the situations with highest risk of accident or injury 2) the current situation of the companies in relation to the use of individual and collective safety equipment c) A multimedia learning tool for training and raising workers' awareness of the importance of risks' prevention. This tool will include 10 sketches of 90 seconds each. d) A website for the project and its products. CONSORTIUM AND IMPACT The project is coordinated by ATIC - Associação Técnica da Indústria de Cimento from Portugal, grouping the three main companies of the cement sector. Fundación Laboral del Cemento y el Medio Ambiente, Spanish organism which represents the main interests of the cement sector on sustainable use of resources with environment respect and workers health and safety in agreement with the trade unions UGT and CCOO and the Spanish Cement Association (OFICEMEN) will contribute to the legal requirements development for the cement industry in Portugal from Spain. Marble and Natural Stone Technology Centre from Spain has a wide previous experience in the field of industrial safety innovative projects. The participation of Chalmers Tekniska Hoegskola from Sweden ensures the impact of the results on trainees to be hired by cement sector companies and the participation of CEMEX Latvia ensures the final application of the results of the project on a real big company.
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