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27 European Projects Found

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"HDHL-INTIMIC (INtesTInal MICrobiomics) is a proposal for an ERA-NET Cofund in the field of food, nutrition and health to support the Joint Programming Initiative "A Healthy Diet for a Healthy Life" (JPI HDHL).There is a high burden of non-communicable diseases due to unhealthy diet and lifestyle patterns. The intestine and in particular the intestinal microbiota have an influence on metabolic pr ...
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ERA-HDHL is a proposal of ERA-NET Cofund in the field of nutrition and health to support the Joint Programme Initiative Healthy Diet for a Healthy Life (JPI HDHL).Nowadays, there is a high burden of non-communicable diseases due to unhealthy diet and lifestyle patterns. The 24 members of the JPI HDHL are working together to develop means to (1) motivate people to adopt healthier lifestyles includi ...
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The main objectives of the 2nd Coordination and Support Action (CSA) of the Joint Programming Initiative Healthy Diet for a Healthy Life (JPI HDHL) are to support the further implementation of JPI HDHL and to create a sustainable collaboration of Member States (MS), the European Commission (EC) and related international organisations. Support facilitated by the 2nd CSA will ensure sufficient progr ...
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EXEDRA, an EXpansion of the European Joint Programming Initiative on Drug Resistance to Antimicrobials, will build on, and further support the structure and activities of JPIAMR to address the two major objectives of HCO-04-2016 topic: extending JPIAMR globally and creating a long-term sustainable structure for future expansion and governance which will coordinate national funding and collaborativ ...
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Antibiotic resistance is a global problem. It is considered by the World Health Organization as one of the three greatest threats to human health for the next decades. ’Enhanced coordination across national boundaries is needed to accelerate the efforts to tackle this grand challenge. Such synergies have been created among 19 countries in Europe and beyond through the EU JPI on Antimicrobial Resis ...
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Cardiovascular diseases (CVD) are the largest cause of death in the EU and account for around 2 million deaths per year. Overall, CVD are estimated to cause the economy of the EU costs of almost 196 billion Euros a year. Furthermore, they are one of the leading causes of long term sickness, chronic diseases and loss to the labour market. Therefore, CVD are a major health problem in Europe. Despite ...
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Over 12 million people in Europe suffer from neurodegenerative diseases (ND), yet treatments that prevent or stop the progression of neurodegeneration are still lacking. Tackling this grand challenge requires enhanced coordination of national efforts to accelerate discovery. Such synergies have been created among 28 countries in the pilot EU JPI on Neurodegenerative Disease Research (JPND). JPND h ...
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Cancer is a worldwide health burden and represents a major public health challenge in Europe. It is responsible for 25% of all deaths, being the second most common cause of death after cardio-vascular diseases and the main cause of mortality among people aged 45–64. Today, an estimated 9 million individuals in Europe live with cancer (Globocan 2008, Cancer became a chron ...
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Systems medicine is a new approach which integrates biological and medical data with mathematical and computational modelling in order to understand the underlying mechanisms of disease and to develop new strategies for individualised diagnosis, treatment and prevention. Systems medicine can fill the gap between experimental data produced by modern technologies and medical knowledge. Through the i ...
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In order to strengthen the sustainability and resilience of health services and systems a unique consortium of governmental and funding organizations plus research institutes, has expressed the ambition to systematically learn from the organisation of care in other settings. Overall objective of TO-REACH is to provide groundwork for an ERA-NET that will contribute to the resilience, effectiveness, ...
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ERA-NET rare disease research implementing IRDiRC objectives (E-Rare-3)

Start date: Dec 1, 2014, End date: Nov 30, 2019,

Rare diseases (RD) are diseases that affect not more than 5 per 10 000 persons (according to the EU definition). 7000 distinct rare diseases exist, affecting between 6% and 8% of the population (about 30 million EU citizens). The lack of specific health policies for rare diseases and the scarcity of the expertise, translate into delayed diagnosis, few medicinal products and difficult access to car ...
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The overall aim of JPsustaiND is to support the development and extension of the capacities of the EU Joint Programming Initiative on Neurodegenerative Diseases, in particular Alzheimer's (JPND). Since 2009 JPND has been operating on a very light management structure based on a simple Terms of Reference. Through this JPND has been able to set a common Strategic Research Agenda, and to deliver its ...
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J-AGEII, the Coordination Action for implementation and alignment activities of the Joint Programming Initiative (JPI) 'More Years Better Lives – the Challenges and Opportunities of Demographic Change', will support and foster the overall management of the JPI, update the Strategic Research Agenda and support implementation through joint activities between Member States. Furthermore, the work plan ...
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The aim of CASyM is a combined large scale effort to sustainably implement Systems Medicine across Europe. For that purpose CASyM will function as a managing and coordinating platform in bringing together a critical mass of relevant European stakeholders such as Systems Biology scientists, clinicians, programme managers, industry/SMEs as well as healthcare providers and patient organizations. The ...
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"ERANID, the European Area Network on Illicit Drugs, aims to improve cooperation in drug research in order to allow well-founded policy decisions.ERANID works both in the demand field and in the supply field. ERANID will promote multidisciplinary research activities in the field of socio-economic sciences and humanities. This may cover e.g. emerging drugs, vulnerable groups, changing demographics ...
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This Coordination and Support Action proposal aims at aiding the implementation of the Joint Programming Initiative on Antimicrobial Resistance (JPIAMR). JPIAMR currently has 18 participating countries and organisations from 8 of these are active partners of the CSA consortium. This proposal describes in detail the different work packages (WPs) that have been suggested in order to secure the rapid ...
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ERASysAPP - Systems Biology Applications (ERASYSAPP)

Start date: Jan 1, 2013, End date: Dec 31, 2015,

The main objective of the ERANET proposal “Systems Biology Applications – ERASysAPP” (app = application = translational systems biology) is to promote multidimensional and complementary European systems biology projects, programmes, and research initiatives on a number of selected research topics. Inter alia, ERASysAPP will initiate, execute and monitor a number of joint transnational calls on sys ...
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The Health Directorate of the European Commission's DG Research and Innovation recently stated that Personalized Medicine is one of the most innovative areas in the future of health research with a high potential for patients, citizens and the economy. However, today the full potential can not be developed due to fragmented activities, insufficient communication and lack of generic solutions in th ...
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A Healthy Diet for a Healthy Life - Coordination Action (HDHL CSA)

Start date: May 1, 2011, End date: Jul 31, 2015,

"The overall objective of the CSA is to support the development and the implementation of the Joint Programme Initiative A Healthy Diet for a Healthy Life (HDHL) promoting healthy lifestyles. The CSA will coordinate the activities within the Joint Programming Initiative and support the development of a strategic agenda for harmonised and structured research activities in the area of food, nutritio ...
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J-AGE, the Coordination Action for the early implementation of the Joint Programming Initiative (JPI) 'More Years – Better Lives – the Challenges and Opportunities of Demographic Change', will support and foster the overall management of the JPI, the development of the Strategic Research Agenda and its implementation through joint activities between Member States, the mapping of relevant national ...
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ERA-NET on Translational Cancer Research (TRANSCAN)

Start date: Jan 1, 2011, End date: Dec 31, 2014,

"Cancer is a worldwide health burden and a major public health challenge in Europe, responsible for 25% of all deaths; a situation expected to worsen with population ageing. The strengthening of translational cancer research is an urgent need in European cancer research, i.e. the integration of basic, epidemiological, preclinical and clinical research with the implementation and evaluation of inte ...
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ERA-Net on Rare Diseases (E-Rare-2)

Start date: Oct 1, 2010, End date: Nov 30, 2014,

Rare diseases represent an important public-health issue, affecting 26-30 million persons across Europe, and a major challenge for research. The fragmentation of resources and knowledge for the 6000-8000 rare diseases and the lack of treatment for the majority of them necessitate a coordinated European approach to unravel the underlying molecular defects and pathophysiological mechanisms. The low ...
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The objective of the Coordination Action JUMPAHEAD is to support the implementation of the pilot Joint Programming Initiative on combating neurodegenerative diseases, in particular Alzheimer’s disease (JPND).Neurodegenerative disorders are incurable and debilitating conditions that result in progressive degeneration or death of nerve cells. Of these, the dementias are responsible for the greatest ...
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Euro-BioImaging brings together imaging technologies stretching from basic biological imaging with advanced light microscopy, in vivo molecular imaging of single cells to animal models up to the clinical and epidemiological level of medical imaging of humans and populations. Euro-BioImaging, in close consultation with its stakeholders, will address the imaging requirements of both biological and m ...
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Systems biology is still considered a young discipline in the field of life sciences. It integrates mathematics, chemistry, physics, informatics, engineering and other fields in biological research. The fragmentation of the discipline concerns all levels of the field: (i) It confronts researchers with a new combination of knowledge, methods, skills and expertise from different disciplines. (ii) It ...
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Biobanking and Biomolecular Resources Research Infrastructure (BBMRI)

Start date: Feb 1, 2008, End date: Jan 31, 2011,

The Preparatory Phase for a pan-European Biobanking and Biomolecular Resources Research Infrastructure (BBMRI) will focus on technical, legal, governance, and financial issues to • prepare to construct BBMRI, building on existing biobanks, resources and technologies, specifically complemented with innovative components and properly embedded into European scientific, ethical, legal and societal fra ...
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Efficient translation of research discoveries into industrial application is an essential element to maintain Europe’s competitiveness in the biomedical and health industry. The main bottleneck is the lack and the fragmented nature of essential research infrastructure and know-how, leading to unacceptable delays and/or preventing the development of new innovative medicines. The aim of EATRIS is to ...
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