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The overall objective of PLOTINA is to enable the development, implementation and assessment of self-tailored Gender Equality Plans (GEPs) with innovative and sustainable strategies for the Research Performing Organizations (RPOs) involved. This objective will be achieved by: i) Stimulating a gender-aware culture change; ii) Promoting career-development of both female and male researchers to preve ...
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Knowledge in the making in the European society (KNOWMAK)

Start date: Jan 1, 2017, End date: Dec 31, 2019,

KNOWMAK project aims at developing a web-based tool, which provides interactive visualisations and state-of-the-art indicators on knowledge co-creation in the European Research Area (ERA). It is structured around three integrative elements:• Research topics, by developing ontologies around Societal Grand Challenges and Key Enabling Technologies.• Actors, with a focus on the quadruple helix and the ...
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The project 'STI International Cooperation Network for EaP Countries Plus (EaP PLUS)' aims to stimulate cooperation between researchers from the EaP countries and EU MS and enhance the active participation of the Eastern Partnership countries in Horizon 2020 Framework Programme.Building on the results of the predecessor FP7 project 'IncoNet EaP', the project will eliminate remaining obstacles to E ...
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EULAC Focus addresses the whole set of topics included in the Call. It delivers a significant contribution to the improvement of EU–CELAC relations through a better understanding of the three dimensions selected by the call: cultural, scientific and social. The main objective is that of “giving focus” to these three dimensions of EU–CELAC relations, with a view to determining synergies and cross- ...
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Strengthening Research and Innovation Links towards Ukraine (RI-LINKS2UA)

Start date: Feb 15, 2016, End date: Feb 14, 2019,

The overall aim of the project entitled ‘Strengthening Research and Innovation Links towards Ukraine (abbr. RI-LINKS2UA) is to further support and enhance the integration of Ukraine to the European Research Area.The following three core objectives will be archived by a consortium of 12 renewed organisations with professional STI policy and policy analysis background from EU MS /AC (including Ukrai ...
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The STI cooperation between the EU and South Africa as originally framed by the South Africa-EU Scientific and Technological Cooperation Agreement and as constantly steered by the JSTCC requires a support mechanism which can translate and facilitate policy decisions, and provide intelligence and information services to various actors and stakeholders. In previous years the ESASTAP project series ( ...
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The EU and the USA have highly-productive, immensely-innovative and excellence-driven research and innovation systems. Acknowledging the particular strengths of each landscape, a balanced transatlantic STI partnership of equals bears great potential and contributes to the ultimate goal of tackling societal challenges and boost economic competitiveness. International cooperation between power nodes ...
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INCOBRA – Increasing Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) International Cooperation between Brazil (BR) and the European Union (EU) – is a 36-month Coordination and Support Action aiming to increase, enhance and focus Research and Innovation (R&I) cooperation between BR and EU.INCOBRA is expected to contribute to (i) Increased cooperation patterns – by supporting cooperation networks among BR ...
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Social Innovation Community (SIC)

Start date: Feb 1, 2016, End date: Jan 31, 2019,

Developing an enabling environment for social innovation that links actions across the whole field and supports the full exploitation of their potential is vital to addressing societal challenges both in Europe and globally. While there is increasing interest for social innovation as a means of addressing societal challenges, there is also considerable variation in the extent to which different co ...
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Digital technology has radically changed the way people work in industry, finance, services, media and commerce and has urged necessary corresponding changes in educational systems. However there is a lack of progress in the education arena. Hence, recent studies show that high percentages of college graduates can't find work, the dropout rate is high and new generations are moving back into their ...
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Collective Awareness Platform for Tropospheric Ozone Pollution (CAPTOR)

Start date: Jan 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2018,

Air pollution is the environmental topic that European citizens worry about most (Eurobarometer 2013). It puts considerable damage to health, agriculture and our natural environment. Despite these facts, the readiness and power of European citizens to take actions themselves is limited. The drivers of the CAPTOR project are three large civil society organizations. Being the interface between minis ...
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The Partnership for Modernisation between the European Union and Russia states as one of the priority areas to enhance cooperation in innovation, research and development. In this context the 24 consortium members of ERA.Net RUS Plus propose to implement a Single Joint Call for transnational and scientifically excellent research projects in the fields of Nanotechnologies/Materials/Production Techn ...
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The aim of SMART-map is to connect a wide range of industrial players with actors from research and civil society organisations and establish innovative formats of collaboration to jointly discuss, define and implement concrete roadmaps (SMART Maps) for the responsible development of technologies and services in three key time-changing fields. Based on the Societal Challenges of Horizon2020, SMART ...
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BLACK SEA HORIZON has been designed to sustainably enhance bi-regional STI cooperation between the EU and the Black Sea region. The result of the project’s STI dialogue support will be an improved knowledge base about EU’s external environment and of the current framework for STI cooperation as well as an increased awareness to contribute to the elimination of remaining obstacles and to further in ...
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EmployID aims to support and facilitate the learning process of Public Employment Services (PES) practitioners in their professional identity transformation process. To perform successfully in their job they need to acquire a set of new and transversal skills, develop additional competencies, as well as embed a professional culture of continuous improvement. EmployID will offer efficient use of te ...
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EP-DeM Labs seeks to engage and enable disadvantaged youth (16-24) in transition moments across 4 cities/regions in Europe to express their voices, co-develop and co-delivery projects and measures aimed at improving their education level and employability. The laboratories of dialogue and co-design experimented will have the ground-breaking role of permanent generators of knowledge and incubators ...
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The RRI-ICT Forum proposal aims at monitoring, analyzing, supporting and promoting SSH contribution to, and RRI approach in ICT research and innovation under H2020.The consortium approach is to constitute a team curating the RRI-ICT domain in H2020 without prejudice (not aiming at imposing its own views or agenda, but at facilitating community views and agenda), and empowering other projects and t ...
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Social Innovation: Driving Force of Social Change (SI-DRIVE)

Start date: Jan 1, 2014, End date: Dec 31, 2017,

SI-DRIVE extends knowledge about social innovation (SI) in three major directions:- Integrating theories and research methodologies to advance understanding of SI leading to a comprehensive new paradigm of innovation.- Undertaking European and global mapping of SI, thereby addressing different social, economic, cultural, historical and religious contexts in eight major world regions.- Ensuring rel ...
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Powerful tools provided by ICT software and hardware have revolutionised and, many would claim, democratised publishing, broadcasting and communications. Now, the same is happening to manufacturing as tangible objects are created and designed as virtual ‘bits’ which can be shared globally, but then reproduced as things which manifest themselves locally. This is the maker movement.MAKE-IT will stud ...
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Start date: Jan 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2017,

Danube-INCO.NET understands itself as strategic high-level coordination and support action. Its background is the macro-regional approach of the European Union, in particular the EU Strategy for the Danube Region (EUSDR) and its Priority Areas for Knowledge Society (PA7) and for Competitiveness (PA8). Based on strong institutionaliszed links with the PA Coordinators and the PA Steering Groups, a c ...
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"The proposal responds to the Horizon 2020 challenge called ""Climate action, resource efficiency and raw materials”. In addition, it addresses the second specific challenge of the Mobilising and Mutual Learning Action Plans (MMLAP) topics, listed in the Science in Society call for proposals of the Capacities Work Programme 2013, namely ""Assessment of sustainable innovation"". The project’s main ...
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"The present ALCUE NET proposal (Latin America, Caribbean and European Union Network on Research and Innovation) outlines a Research and Innovation policy support project aimed at supporting the international Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) dimension of the Europe 2020 Strategy and Innovation Union Flagship Initiative. It will do so by promoting bi-regional and bilateral partnerships for ...
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Bibliometric and project participation analysis highlights that scientific cooperation between India and Europe increased significantly in recent years. STI policy stakeholder have supported this dynamic development by agreeing on an EU-India S&T Agreement, and added concrete value through co-drafting an EU/MS-India Strategic Agenda for Research and Innovation, which pinpoints specific thematic ar ...
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EU-India Platform for the Social Sciences and Humanities (EQUIP)

Start date: May 1, 2014, End date: Apr 30, 2017,

EqUIP: the EU-India Platform for the Social Sciences and Humanities will bring together research funding and support organisations in Europe and India in order to develop a stronger strategic partnership. Europe and India have strong historical links, but its research collaboration relationships are relatively new. EqUIP will link and build upon the successful partnerships developed at the Europea ...
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SEA-EU-NET 2 will build upon and leverage strong EU-SEA S&T relationships developed through past support and coordination actions, to deepen engagement and build momentum in S&T cooperation. It broadens the scope of EU-SEA cooperation through stimulating sustainable innovation collaborations. SEA-EU-NET 2 will focus on three societal challenges: Health, Food security and safety, and Water manageme ...
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Japan-EU Partnership in Innovation, Science and TEchnology (JEUPISTE)

Start date: Sep 1, 2013, End date: Feb 28, 2017,

The JEUPISTE project aims at promoting EU-Japan cooperation in Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) through supports to policy dialogues, deployment of bilateral information services, organization of networking events focusing on specific technologies and/or societal challenges, operation of a help desk for EU-Japan collaborative projects (including advice and assistance in administration, lia ...
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The project aims to support the advancement of the bi-regional STI policy dialogue between the EU MS/AC and the Eastern Partnership countries, with an explicit focus on the Societal Challenges that have been identified to be of mutual interest for the two regions, namely Climate Change, Energy and Health. In particular the project will identify actions and stakeholders and will implement innovativ ...
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This project will develop and use a Training and Dissemination Toolkit on Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI). It will be addressed and designed by all the stakeholders of the Research and Innovation (RI) chain of value, including Researchers, Civil Society, Industry and Education but will specially focus on Policy Makers in order to impact significantly in the future governance of RI.The Co ...
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The objective of CAP4Access is to develop and pilot-test methods and tools for collectively gathering and sharing spatial information for improving accessibility. The aim is to exploit the power of online maps and mobile devices for fostering awareness of barriers for individuals with limited mobility and for removing such barriers. CAP4Access helps integrating disabled communities into society (s ...
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In 2007, heads of state and government from Africa and Europe launched the Joint Africa-EU Strategy (JAES) formulated in response to geopolitical changes, globalisation and the processes of integration in Africa and Europe. At the heart of the JAES is an overtly political relationship and among the features distinguishing JAES from previous Africa-Europe policy initiatives is the associated actio ...
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The SeeingNano project will create Novel Visualisation Tools for Enhanced Nanotechnology Awareness through a coordinated collaborative approach conducted by leading experts in the relevant fields: the target audiences identified in the proposal will be analysed by the consortium's socio-economic sciences and humanities, who - in collaboration with the consortium's state-of-the-art information visu ...
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TUNED UP! Tools Under the Need of Enhancing Diversity

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Oct 31, 2016,

Diversity management (as a part of CSR) brings measurable benefits and influences directly the development and innovation of organizations. European Commission pushes for business-oriented diversity management as part of a strategic response to a more diversified society, customer base, market structure and workforce. The EIU report about diversity in business (2014) shows, that according to 83% H ...
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This coordinating action will focus on climate action, resource efficiency and raw materials issues and will aim to enhance collaboration between researchers in the EU and the ASEAN region . Addressing these issues in a coherent way is vital for sustainable development that leads to economic prosperity, social cohesion and environmental integrity. Both regions have developed innovative ideas to re ...
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INNO INDIGO will set up a more relevant STI approach in terms of social and technical innovation, a broader in terms of funding and a more focussed in terms of topics - to answer the needs of the European as well as Indian societies and markets and address the needs of the engines for innovation. These are SMEs and industries as well as existing clusters of excellence. Future joint programmes will ...
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Existing data as well as practical experiences show that educational programs - including those that specifically address educationally disadvantaged people - are not utilised enough by "all potential" target groups and sufficient diversification of participants groups is achieved only rarely. The reasons for this phenomenon are many and varied. They arise as a result of mixed organisational patt ...
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ERA-Can Plus promotes cooperation between the European Union and Canada across the science, technology and innovation chain to support and encourage their mutual prosperity, address common societal issues and meet global challenges in the most effective and efficient way possible: together.It is a 36-month project, led by APRE together with the Government of Canada in concert with sector leaders i ...
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Energy supply and usage and the stimulation of innovation activities are some of the most important challenges for the EU and for the Eastern European countries within the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP). Increased resource efficiency and innovation in renewable and sustainable energy offers the best potential to solve the urgent, interrelated societal challenges of insecurity over energy supp ...
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The project aims to support the advancement of the bi-regional STI policy dialogue between the EU MS/AC and the Central Asian countries, with an explicit focus on the Societal Challenges that have been identified to be of mutual interest for the two regions, namely Climate Change, Energy and Health. In particular the project will identify actions and stakeholders and will implement innovative pilo ...
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The project GUIDE+ contributes to a better participation of low skilled people in society and the labour market through high quality guidance. This project wanted to establish and provide case study training modules for guidance practitioners that are used on a regular basis in the training systems of the participating countries, in order to prepare them for the specific challenges in guiding low ...
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Research and innovation are vital elements of economic growth translated through an innovation eco-system, driven by a diverse mix of economic actors in an environment which supports flows of information between universities, businesses, researchers, consumers, investors, editors and policy makers. It is this interaction that creates the vital feedback loops that speed adaptation and creation in t ...
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