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The Innovation, Dispersal and Use of Ceramics in NW Eurasia (INDUCE)

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2021,

The origins, adoption and use of pottery vessels are among archaeology’s most compelling issues. Pottery vessels are no longer viewed in western archaeology as a material correlate of sedentary farming life in the Neolithic. Despite recognition of pottery vessels in hunter-gatherer contexts in some parts of northern Europe and the former Soviet Union, their impact on, and role in, hunter-gatherer ...
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Start date: Aug 1, 2016, End date: Jul 31, 2021,

...settlement and the way land was used. The integrated archaeological package to be applied is based on research protocols devised by the PI and deploys bioarchaeological methods newly developed at York, in stable isotopes, ancient DNA and the chemical characterisation of residues encountered in pottery. It is new to southern Europe and features techniques that were unavailable anywhere five years a ...
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Anomalies in surface temperatures, winds, and precipitation can significantly alter energy supply and demand, cause flooding, and cripple transportation networks. Better management of these impacts can be achieved by extending the duration of reliable predictions of the atmospheric circulation. Polar stratospheric variability can impact surface weather for well over a month, and this proposed res ...
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TEMPERA will provide international, intersectoral and interdisciplinary state-of-the-art doctoral training to prepare the next generation of specialists in mass spectrometry-based ancient protein residues analysis for biomolecular diagnostics and conservation of cultural heritage material.Due to their chemical and mechanical properties, proteins have always represented the category of biomolecules ...
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The GENIALG project aims to boost the Blue Biotechnology Economy (BBE) by increasing the production and sustainable exploitation of two high-yielding species of the EU seaweed biomass: the brown alga Saccharina latissima and the green algae Ulva spp. GENIALG will demonstrate the economic feasibility and environmental sustainability of cultivating and refining seaweed biomass in multiple use deman ...
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Understanding mechanisms underlying comorbid disorders poses a challenge for developing precision medicine tools. Psychiatric disorders are highly comorbid, and are among the last areas of medicine, where classification is driven by phenomenology rather than pathophysiology. We will study comorbidity between the most frequent psychiatric conditions, ADHD, mood/anxiety, and substance use disorders, ...
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Harnessing the power of enzymatic oxygen activation (OXYTRAIN)

Start date: Jan 1, 2017, End date: Dec 31, 2020,

For the selective and effective incorporation of oxygen into biological molecules (oxygenation reaction), several enzyme types have evolved in nature. They catalyse crucial reactions in various metabolic routes. The chemistry feasible with these biocatalysts is unrivalled when compared with conventional chemical methods. Therefore, these oxygenating enzymes are very promising tools in biotechnolog ...
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To handle the unprecedented demand for mobile data traffic, different vendors, operators and research programmes have aimed to develop radio access technologies (RATs) that boost physical-layer link capacity, utilize millimeter wave radio, or further densify network topology. Notable steps have also been made towards shifting baseband processing from the (currently) ultra dense network edge to a c ...
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Improving Quality of Care in Europe (IQCE)

Start date: Jan 1, 2017, End date: Dec 31, 2020,

Improving quality of care has been given too little attention in health economic research in the past although it is the central goal of health care systems in Europe. The proposed ETN on “Improving Quality of Care in Europe (IQCE)” aims to address this gap and has the following aims: 1) Create new evidence and improve existing health economic research in the field of quality of care. Research gap ...
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The most effective way of improving education systems is to improve the quality of teachers; a fundamental step to improve the quality of teachers is to select candidates for training who possess the 'soft skills' or non-cognitive traits and attributes that are related to effective teaching. Prof. Robert Klassen’s research will draw on interdisciplinary educational and occupational psychology fram ...
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Experience does not always arise from the events in the immediate environment; research has shown that states such as mind-wandering occupy almost half of our waking thought. Although mind-wandering has gained a foothold in cognitive science, our understanding of this core form of cognition is piecemeal and disjointed, making it a regular topic of theoretical debates in high-profile journals (e.g. ...
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Myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) are chronic bone marrow malignancies of the elderly, complicated by severe anaemia. MDS significantly affects quality-adjusted survival and it imposes an increasing financial burden on patients and healthcare (HC) systems. The burden of disease is expected to worsen in the future, given the aging EU population and newly identified MDS cases among those diagnosed wit ...
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ArchSci2020 will provide structured state-of-the-art doctoral training to the next generation of archaeologists and biomolecular scientists forging a new generation of biomolecular archaeologists. Few other academic disciplines have been so transformed in the last decade as Archaeology. ArchSci2020 meet the need of a new generation of researchers. International, intersectoral and interdisciplinary ...
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The main idea of POROUS4APP project is based on the fabrication of functional nanoporous carbonaceous materials at pilot plant scale from natural resources (polysaccharide). The process for nanoporous carbon fabrication is already well known as one of the POROUS4APP partner has developed the STARBON® technology at TRL5 which consist of swelling, drying and pyrolysis of natural resources and in thi ...
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European Nuclear Science and Application Research 2 (ENSAR2)

Start date: Mar 1, 2016, End date: Feb 29, 2020,

ENSAR2 is the integrating activity for European nuclear scientists who are performing research in three of the major subfields defined by NuPECC: Nuclear Structure and Dynamics, Nuclear Astrophysics and Nuclear Physics Tools and Applications. It proposes an optimised ensemble of Networking (NAs), Joint Research (JRAs) and Transnational Access Activities (TAs), which will ensure qualitative and qua ...
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FRAGments training NETwork (FRAGNET)

Start date: Mar 1, 2016, End date: Feb 29, 2020,

The promise of more efficient lead discovery is fuelling the enthusiasm for fragment-based lead discovery (FBLD). In this approach, highly sensitive biochemical and biophysical screening technologies are being used to detect the low affinity binding of low molecular weight compounds (the so-called fragments) to protein targets that are involved in pathophysiological processes. By investigating the ...
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Surfaces with the capacity for selective recognition of particular pathogens would offer great potential in a number of biomedical applications, including diagnostic devices. Mammalian cells are decorated with a carbohydrate-rich layer, the glycocalyx, which facilitates cellular recognition. Carbohydrate-binding proteins can interact with these sugar motifs to facilitate highly selective recogniti ...
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The world is experiencing an explosion in wireless broadband usage and global wireless data traffic is expected to grow at an annual rate of 78% through 2016. Multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) technologies have been envisioned as a key to the successful deployment of next generation networks, which are challenged by many practical constraints, such as spectrum scarcity and dynamical wireless e ...
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Recent reports state that the adoption of open-source software (OSS) helps, resulting in savings of about $60 billion per year to consumers. However, the use of OSS also comes at enormous cost: choosing among OSS projects and maintaining dependence on continuously changing software requires a large investment. Deciding if an OSS project meets the required standards for adoption is hard, and keepin ...
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Dependability Engineering Innovation for CPS - DEIS (DEIS)

Start date: Jan 1, 2017, End date: Dec 31, 2019,

Cyber-Physical-Systems harbor the potential for vast economic and societal impact in all major application domains, however in case of failure this may lead to catastrophic results for industry and society. Thus, ensuring the dependability of such systems is the key to unlocking their full potential and enabling European industries to develop confidently business models that will nurture their soc ...
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In the context of a complex global agenda in traditional and complementary medicine, indigenous concepts of health and healing are less well documented and understood. MEDICINE will examine concepts of health and healing from an indigenous and culturally specific context, taking a unique time-depth perspective and with a framework of interdisciplinary methods which integrates archaeological-histor ...
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Storytelling applies to nearly everything we do. Everybody uses stories, from educators to marketers and from politicians to journalists to inform, persuade, entertain, motivate or inspire. In the cultural heritage sector, however, narrative tends to be used narrowly, as a method to communicate to the public the findings and research conducted by the domain experts of a cultural site or collection ...
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We aim to reduce the burden of tobacco-related lung diseases. Our approach is to integrate inexpensive tobacco cessation strategies of proven efficacy into TB control programmes. This has three advantages: a) Preventing non-communicable diseases as well as reducing TB-related deaths; b) TB patients are more likely to quit tobacco than healthy smokers – ‘teachable moments’; and c) in the absence of ...
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The vision of future 5G networks encompasses a heterogeneous communication landscape in which existing Radio Access Technologies (RATs) will be integrated with evolving wireless technologies and systems, software-design network architectures and cloud-enabled services. Effectively harnessing the potential of all these innovative and heterogeneous features and providing a programmable multi-tenant ...
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In traditional models of manufacturing, the information flow from product design, over production processes, to the manufactured product has been strictly unidirectional. The production equipment “blindly” executes tasks that have no direct relationship to the concepts that are present in the original design models and the product is used with little or no feedback concerning product use patterns. ...
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EU Democracy Promotion

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2019,

The University of New York Tirana (UNYT) wishes to undertake the following Jean Monnet Module activities for the primary purpose of deepening this university’s focus on European Union studies. Specifically, this Module proposal aims at designing two highly customized courses on EU Democracy Promotion (the bachelor level course will be titled “Intro to EU Democracy Promotion”, and the master level ...
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Record numbers of refugee students and academics, driven by the crises in the Middle East and beyond, are reaching out to Europe. Many European institutions are trying their best to respond to the crisis, including creating new opportunities for displaced academics and students, but often these efforts are disconnected, hard for candidates to access, and inadequately informed by history and best p ...
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European Materials Modelling Council (EMMC-CSA)

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2019,

The aim of the EMMC-CSA is to establish current and forward looking complementary activities necessary to bring the field of materials modelling closer to the demands of manufacturers (both small and large enterprises) in Europe. The ultimate goal is that materials modelling and simulation will become an integral part of product life cycle management in European industry, thereby making a strong c ...
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Children obesity and changing habits (COACH)

Start date: Aug 21, 2017, End date: Aug 20, 2019,

Children obesity and changing habits (COACH)The prevalence of obesity in children and adolescents has increased rapidly in developed countries across the globe and has become a concern for its potential negative consequence on health. The prevalence rate of obesity among children and adolescents in developed countries is over 20% and in the UK it is even higher than 25%. The COACH project aims ...
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"Uncertainty is pervasive in all aspects of climate change. Although this is beyond dispute, the vast majority of research assessing climate ignores uncertainty, in large part because of the technical complexities involved. The present project aims at advancing substantially the way we conceptualize, model and frame the climate change policy making process, focusing on the central role of uncertai ...
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The objectives of ArchAIDE are to support the classification and interpretation work of archaeologists with innovative computer-based tools, able to provide the user with features for the semi-automatic description and matching of potsherds over the huge existing ceramic catalogues. Pottery classification is of fundamental importance for the comprehension and dating of the archaeological contexts, ...
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...sparities in ageing and the social determinants of health, using both observational studies as well as an experimental approach based on the existing "conditional cash transfer" experiment in New York.To achieve these objectives we will use data from three categories of studies: 1. Europe-wide or national surveys combined with population registry data; 2. Cohorts with intense phenotyping and repe ...
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The main objective of the project is the development of the pilot scale production system of the new generation of nanoporous organic and hybrid aerogels with multiple functions for application in gas and humidity adsorption, personal care and food. Thereby the fast manufacturing in form of spherical particles will be in focus in order to reduce the process time and to decrease the overall process ...
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The human visual brain can learn and adapt to change, which solves many of the problems posed by an ever-changing visual environment. However, to maintain a consistent overall representation of the visual world, the brain also has to retain previously acquired neuronal mechanisms. The key is to strike a balance between plasticity and stability.Increasing our knowledge about the stability and plast ...
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Conduct Disorder (CD) is the key paediatric disorder characterized by severe aggression. It is heterogeneous, and our understanding of the neurobiology to subtype aggression is limited. MATRICS is a multidisciplinary consortium of academic partners and SMEs that focuses on the subtyping of aggression both within CD and of the broader cross-disorder trait of aggression. MATRICS will test the hypoth ...
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The complexity of the problem of banning discards and bringing all unwanted catches to land makes it necessary to follow a multi-actor approach, whereby scientists, fisheries technologists, fish producers and NGOs work collaboratively to provide the scientific and technical basis to achieve the gradual elimination of discards in European marine fisheries. The project’s overall objective is to mini ...
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Parental Employment and Child Investments (PEACH)

Start date: Feb 1, 2017, End date: Jan 31, 2019,

...his will enhance Sarah's network and establish Sarah as an expert of the German data. PEACH involves training, including microeconometric methods, labour economics and data analysis from experts in York and external courses. Sarah will develop a detailed personal career development plan, to improve her skills and attain success in her future career.
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Heart OMics in AGEing (HOMAGE)

Start date: Feb 1, 2013, End date: Jan 31, 2019,

As more people survive into old age, the prevalence of heart failure (HF), one of the most common and debilitating diseases in older people, will rise still further. Delaying or preventing HF will have great benefit to those at personal risk, their families, society and the economy. HOMAGE aims to provide a biomarker (BM) approach that will a) help identify i. patients at high risk of developing ...
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Intelligent Assessment of Pharmaceutical in the Environment (IPIE)

Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: Dec 31, 2018,

Active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) can be released to the natural environment during the manufacturing process, following use by patients or when unused medicines are disposed of. As APIs are biologically active compounds concerns have been raised about the potential effects of APIs in the environment on human and environmental health. Over the past 15 years, a substantial amount of work has ...
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Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: Dec 31, 2018,

NMR and MRI play unique roles in contemporary Science, from Physics, Chemistry and Biology, to clinical research and diagnosis. Despite its irreplaceable role, further progress in NMR and MRI is hampered by sensitivities that are much lower than those of alternatives such as mass-spec, or PET. The prospects of solving this problem by “bigger machines” are uncertain and of poor return, given the hi ...
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