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34 European Projects Found

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SMARTER TOGETHER’s overarching vision is to find the right balance between smart technologies and organizational/ governance dimensions in order to deliver smart and inclusive solutions and to improve citizen’s quality of life.SMARTER TOGETHER gather the European Lighthouse cities Lyon, Munich, Vienna, the Follower cities Santiago de Compostela, Sofia, Venice and Kyiv and Yokohama as observer citi ...
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The proposed European Concerted Programme on Radiation Protection Research (acronym: CONCERT) aims to contribute to the sustainable integration of European and national research programmes in radiation protection. It will do so by focusing resources and efforts in five key directions:• Bring together the elements of the European scientific communities in the fields of radiation effects and risks, ...
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Global demand for minerals is growing rapidly, driven by rapid population growth, urbanisation and an increasingly diverse range of technical applications. Global material supply chains linking the extraction, transport and processing stages of raw materials have become increasingly complex and today involve multiple players and product components. An interactive platform that provides transparenc ...
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The main vision of CABRISS project is to develop a circular economy mainly for the photovoltaic, but also for electronic and glass industry. It will consist in the implementation of: (i) recycling technologies to recover In, Ag and Si for the sustainable PV technology and other applications; (ii) a solar cell processing roadmap, which will use Si waste for the high throughput, cost-effective manuf ...
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Graphene-based disruptive technologies (GrapheneCore1)

Start date: Apr 1, 2016, End date: Mar 31, 2018,

This project is the second in the series of EC-financed parts of the Graphene Flagship. The Graphene Flagship is a 10 year research and innovation endeavour with a total project cost of 1,000,000,000 euros, funded jointly by the European Commission and member states and associated countries. The first part of the Flagship was a 30-month Collaborative Project, Coordination and Support Action (CP-CS ...
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The RED, the EED and the EPBD (recast) require member states to develop ambitious policies for sustainable heating and cooling. The objective of this project is to assist policy makers at the local, regional, national and EU-level in developing and implementing integrated, effective and efficient policy strategies achieving a fast and strong penetration of RES and EE in heating and cooling. This w ...
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Nanotechnology is a key enabling technology. Still existing uncertainties concerning EHS need to be addressed to explore the full potential of this new technology. One challenge consists in the development of methods that reliably identify, characterize and quantify nanomaterials (NM) both as substance and in various products and matrices. The European Commission has recently recommended a definit ...
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CI-NERGY Smart cities with sustainable energy systems (CI-NERGY)

Start date: Oct 1, 2013, End date: Sep 30, 2017,

.... The training will be carried out by a close collaboration of six of the best academic research centres and four leading industrial companies from the energy and software technology sector (Siemens, WienEnergie, EDF/EIFER, and IES). The research fellows will apply their results in two case study cities (Geneva and Vienna), which were chosen for their very ambitious sustainability goals. The CI-NE ...
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Embedded systems are the key innovation driver to improve almost all mechatronic products with cheaper and even new functionalities. Furthermore, they strongly support today's information society as inter-system communication enabler.Consequently boundaries of application domains are alleviated and ad-hoc connections and interoperability play an increasing role. At the same time, multi-core and ma ...
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Dependable Embedded Wireless Infrastructure (DEWI)

Start date: Mar 1, 2014, End date: Feb 28, 2017,

DEWI (dependable embedded wireless infrastructure) envisions to significantly foster Europe’s leading position in embedded wireless systems and smart (mobile) environments such as vehicles, railway cars, airplanes and buildings. These environments comprise wireless sensor networks and wireless applications for citizens and professional users. Therefore the consortium introduces the concept of a “s ...
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Automotive represents 12% of the EU industrial GDP. 20% of the value of a car is already electronics and 10% of this are IC components. Minimizing costs and space for additional functionality requires further integration. The EU project ATHENIS has successfully addressed System-on-Chip (SoC) integration of CMOS, high voltage and embedded memory for harshest automotive conditions. Further cost redu ...
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Designing Trees for the future (TREES4FUTURE)

Start date: Nov 1, 2011, End date: Apr 30, 2016,

TREES4FUTURE will make a significant contribution to helping the European forestry sector respond, in a sustainable manner, to increasing demands for wood products and services (among which preservation of forest biodiversity) in a context of changing climatic conditions. To do so TREES4FUTURE will integrate for the first time major, yet rarely interacting forestry communities (and their resources ...
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Graphene-Based Revolutions in ICT And Beyond (GRAPHENE)

Start date: Oct 1, 2013, End date: Mar 31, 2016,

This Flagship aims to take graphene and related layered materials from a state of raw potential to a point where they can revolutionize multiple industries – from flexible, wearable and transparent electronics, to new energy applications and novel functional composites.Our main scientific and technological objectives in the different tiers of the value chain are to develop material technologies fo ...
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"DESIRE will develop and apply an optimal set of indicators to monitor European progress towards resource-efficiency. We propose a combination of time series of environmentally extended input output data (EE IO) and the DPSIR framework to construct the indicator set. Only this approach will use a single data set that allows for consistent construction of resource efficiency indicators capturing th ...
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The demand for aesthetically integrated photovoltaic materials is increasing steadily in many industries. A growing number of designers, architects and industrial manufacturers across the world share a common interest in using Photovoltaics (PV) as a decentralized and sustainable source of energy in their product designs. Developing markets such as sustainable housing, temporary building structure ...
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The overall objective of SOLARROK is to deepen the transnational cooperation between leading European research-driven clusters in the Photovoltaic (PV) sector. To gain a competitive position and to foster industrial innovation, EU research infrastructures require more and more resources: multidisciplinary competencies, investments for technical equipments, skilled human resources, and strong links ...
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The 3rd Energy Package clearly boosts the development of an Integrated European balancing mechanism. In this context, ACER has in 2011 started the development of the Framework Guidelines on Electricity Balancing.It is expected from the ACER statements that Demand Response will play significant role in the future integrated balancing market allowing Virtual Power Plants, comprising Demand Response ...
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Managing Risks of Nanoparticles (MARINA)

Start date: Nov 1, 2011, End date: Oct 31, 2015,

While there are standard procedures for product life cycle analysis, exposure, hazard, and risk assessment for traditional chemicals, is not yet clear how these procedures need to be modified to address all the novel properties of nanomaterials. There is a need to develop specific reference methods for all the main steps in managing the potential risk of ENM. The aim of MARINA is to develop such ...
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TRANSFORMation Agenda for Low Carbon Cities (TRANSFORM)

Start date: Jan 1, 2013, End date: Jun 30, 2015,

Urban areas are responsible for three quarters of the global energy demand. Most decisions on implementing energy innovations are made in cities. TRANSFORM supports cities to meet the 20-20-20 targets by the integration of energy in urban management. In interactive Smart Urban Labs, stakeholders will be able to turn ambitions into tangible Implementation Plans.TRANSFORM’s integrative approach brin ...
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Start date: May 1, 2012, End date: Apr 30, 2015,

"This proposal aims at developing a new generation of novel materials for high performance permanent magnets (PM) with energy product 60 kJ/m3 5) nanostructures by environmentally friendly synthesis methods and b) using high-throughput (HT) thin film synthesis and characterization techniques to identify new PM candidate phases. The first strategy, through the control of the nanostructure will le ...
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European Nuclear Science and Applications Research (ENSAR)

Start date: Sep 1, 2010, End date: Dec 31, 2014,

ENSAR is the Integrating Activity of Nuclear Scientists from almost all European countries performing research in three of the major subfields of Nuclear Physics: Nuclear Structure, Nuclear Astrophysics and Applications of Nuclear Science. It proposes an optimised ensemble of Networking (NAs), Transnational Access and Joint Research Activities (JRAs), which will ensure qualitative and quantitative ...
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Facing the problem of enhancing the railway security with a systematic top-down approach (i.e. to search for an all-inclusive solution valid for all the conceivable threat scenarios) is judged by PROTECTRAIL members too ambitious even if it could generate potential economies of scale and effort rationalisation. The proposed PROTECTRAIL approach is therefore to split the problem of making the railw ...
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The main idea behind this project is to refine and elaborate economic and environmental accounting principles as discussed in the London Group and consolidated in the future SEEA 2012, to test them in practical data gathering, to troubleshoot and refine approaches, and show added value of having such harmonized data available via case studies. This will be done in priority areas mentioned in the c ...
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Twin City Vienna Bratislava e-mobility Demonstrationsprojekt (VIBRATE)

Start date: Dec 31, 2010, End date: Dec 30, 2013,

E-Mobilität wurde in den letzten Jahren zum sichtbaren und viel diskutierten Thema. Der CO2 Ausstoß und der Lärm des Straßenverkehrs können mittels strombetriebener Fahrzeuge ebenso reduziert werden wie die Ölimportabhängigkeit. Das Projekt VIBRATE demonstriert, dass E-Mobilität eine Alternative zum Status quo ist. Ziel ist es, eine standardisierte und modular erweiterbare Ladeinfrastruktur auf öf ...
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Accurate Nuclear Data for nuclear Energy Sustainability (ANDES)

Start date: May 1, 2010, End date: Oct 31, 2013,

"According to the recent publications of the European Technological Platform for a Sustainable Nuclear Energy (SNETP) (Vision report and Strategic Research Agenda) the sustainability require the combination of the present LWR, future Advanced Fast reactors and the waste minimization in closed cycles with Partitioning and Transmutation. To implement these new nuclear systems and their fuel cycles i ...
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“NanoCom-Network” is composed by 2 Universities in Europe (Universität des Saarlandes,Germany; and Technische Universität Wien, Austria), 1 Research Center (Helmholtz ZentrumBerlin, Germany) and 4 Institutions in Latinamerica (Centro Atómico Bariloche and Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto, Argentina, Universidade de Sao Pualo, Universidad de Concepción, Chile) who will cooperate in the Advanced P ...
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"The Integrated Infrastructure Initiative for Neutron Scattering and Muon Spectroscopy (NMI3) aims at the pan-European coordination of neutron scattering and muon spectroscopy, maintaining these research infrastructures as an integral part of the European Research Area. NMI3 comprehensively includes all major facilities in the field, opening the way for a more concerted, and thus more efficient, u ...
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geoland2 intends to constitute a major step forward in the implementation of the GMES Land Monitoring Core Service (LMCS). The three components (Local, Continental and Global) of the LMCS are addressed. The goal of geoland2 is (i) to prepare, validate and demonstrate pre-operational service chains and products that will underpin the LMCS, and (ii) to propose and demonstrate a concrete functional o ...
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pHotonics ELectronics functional Integration on CMOS (HELIOS)

Start date: May 1, 2008, End date: Nov 30, 2012,

Photonics on CMOS is a candidate technology for applications where functional integration is needed for improving system performance while reducing size and cost.Functional demonstration of basic building blocks such as a µlaser, a detector, coupling, and link has been realized in previous research projects. As a next step the HELIOS project proposes to integrate photonics components with integrat ...
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The objective of the project is the development of nanoelectronics technologies, devices, circuits architectures and modules for electrical cars/vehicles and demonstration of these modules in a final systems.Emissions from road vehicles have to be reduced substantially in the future. The ultimate goal of most car manufacturers is to get to a completely electric vehicle, protecting the environment ...
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Cooperative Hybrid Objects in SEnsor Networks (CHOSEN)

Start date: Jun 1, 2008, End date: Nov 30, 2011,

CHOSeN will develop appropriate technology, including advanced configurable RF and digital baseband transceiver hardware, networking protocols with scalable Quality of Service in respect of transmission speed, robustness, security, and low-power support, and a generic collaboration middleware that abstracts from the diversity and heterogeneity provided by the layers below, and it will thereby impr ...
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The overall impact from SUSPLAN is contribution to a substantially increased share of renewable energy sources (RES) in Europe at an acceptable level of cost, thereby increasing security of supply and competitiveness of RES industry. The results will ease PAN-European harmonisation and lead to a more integrated European energy market.The main objective is to develop guidelines for more efficient i ...
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The European electricity system is facing major challenges to implement a strategy for a reliable, competitive and sustainable electricity supply. The development and the renewal of the transmission infrastructure are central and recognised issues in this strategy. Indeed the transmission system is a complex and strongly interconnected infrastructure that offers a wide range of benefits like relia ...
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NEWCOM++ is the acronym of a proposed Network of Excellence in Wireless COMmunications, submitted to Call 1 of the VII Framework Programme under the Objective ICT-2007.1.1: The Network of the Future, mainly in its target direction "Ubiquitous network infrastructure and architectures". The current proposal draws inspiration, shape/form, and substantive direction from its successful predecessor, t ...
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