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18 European Projects Found

Searched on 125080 European Projects

The goal of GenTree is to provide the European forestry sector with better knowledge, methods and tools for optimising the management and sustainable use of forest genetic resources (FGR) in Europe in the context of climate change and continuously evolving demands for forest products and services. To reach its goal, GenTree will make scientific, technological and implementation breakthroughs in: ( ...
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Europe’s bioeconomy is expected to foster economic growth and to tackle significant societal challenges with less harmful environmental effects through innovative, sustainable and inclusive use of European forest resources. Increasing demand for biomass and other ecosystem goods and services calls for changes in forest-related policies at different levels and across different sectors. Accordingly, ...
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SUCCESS is bringing together an integrated team of scientists from all fields of fisheries and aquaculture science with industry partners and key stakeholders to work on solutions which shall improve the competitiveness of the European fisheries and aquaculture sector. The supply-side of seafood markets is limited from both sea fisheries and aquaculture. At the same time demand for seafood product ...
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Ecosystem Approach to making Space for Aquaculture (AquaSpace)

Start date: Mar 1, 2015, End date: Feb 28, 2018,

The AquaSpace project has the goal of providing increased space for aquaculture to allow increased production. Following the call, we will achieve this by identifying the key constraints experienced by aquaculture development in a wide range of contexts and aquaculture types, taking into account all relevant factors and advised by a Reference User Group. We will then map these constraints against ...
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"The on-going negotiations on Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Agreements between the EU, Armenia, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine, the accession of Russia to the World Trade Organisation in 2012 and the establishment of a Customs Union between Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan in 2011 are expected to boost trade relations between the European Union and its Eastern Neighbours. The aim of AGRICISTRADE i ...
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Careers in Sustainability Excellence (CASTLE)

Start date: Nov 1, 2012, End date: Oct 31, 2016,

Implementing the EU vision of a Green Economy will cause rapid changes to the forest-based and bio-energy sectors. Growing bioenergy demands change land use and cause intensified resource utilisation in agriculture and forestry. Sustainable development targets in production and consumption of biomass and wood products have stimulated wider adoption of sustainability assessment methods in policy an ...
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The project aims at 1 providing baseline data on biodiversity in agro-ecosystems in the EU, 2 translating regional protection goals in measurable assessment endpoints, 3 defining lists of suitable bioindicators for various European regions, 4 improving knowledge on potential long term environmental effects of genetically modified plants (GMPs), 5 testing the efficacy of the EFSA Guidance Document ...
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Designing Trees for the future (TREES4FUTURE)

Start date: Nov 1, 2011, End date: Apr 30, 2016,

TREES4FUTURE will make a significant contribution to helping the European forestry sector respond, in a sustainable manner, to increasing demands for wood products and services (among which preservation of forest biodiversity) in a context of changing climatic conditions. To do so TREES4FUTURE will integrate for the first time major, yet rarely interacting forestry communities (and their resources ...
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Forest genetic resources (FGR) form the base for adaptation of European forests to future environmental conditions and societal demands. Appropriate use and sustainable management of FGR is therefore of utmost importance. Past decades have shown: (i) an immense progress in detecting patterns of genetic diversity, due to fast technological advances, (ii) increased knowledge on the modelling of resp ...
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"The MSY concept was included as a principle in the 2009 Green Paper on the reform of the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) in accordance with the global imperative to manage fish stocks according to the maximum sustainable yield (MSY). This implies a commitment to direct management of fish stocks towards achieving MSY by 2015. Attaining this goal is complicated by the lack of common agreement on the ...
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ENVIEVAL will develop and integrate advanced evaluation tools into new methodological frameworks for the evaluation of environmental impacts of rural development programmes at micro- and macro-levels. In order to achieve this main aim, the proposed project has five objectives: i) to review implemented rural development programmes, existing monitoring and indicator systems, and new methodological ...
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One of the biggest challenges facing global society today is the provision of food, water, energy, healthcare and other resources and services to a world that will see its population increase by a third in the face of mounting environmental stresses over the next 20 years. SAT-BBE studies the contribution of a bioeconomy in many of these areas to ensure long term economic and environmental sustain ...
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SOCIOEC is an interdisciplinary, European wide project bringing together scientists from several fisheries sciences with industry partners and other key stakeholders to work in an integrated manner on solutions for future fisheries management, that can be implemented at a regional level. The central concept is to provide a mechanism for developing measures that are consistent with the overarching ...
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Legume-supported cropping systems for Europe (Legume-Futures)

Start date: Mar 1, 2010, End date: Feb 28, 2014,

This research will deliver knowledge and technology for the optimisation of the use of legumes in European agricultural systems and promote the partnerships needed to support the public policy outcomes sought. By integrating the Consortiums extensive set of existing field case studies, modelling and knowledge base, the project will test, validate and deliver novel cropping systems. This network of ...
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Monitoring and Evaluation of Spatially Managed Areas (MESMA) (MESMA)

Start date: Nov 1, 2009, End date: Oct 31, 2013,

The increasing pressures upon the marine realm call for a well planned approach of further spatial development of this area. An ecosystem-based approach to fisheries, the increasing demand for sustainable energy, coastal defence systems, building materials and safe transport routes and the need to protect marine habitats and species all compete for the same valuable space. At the same time climate ...
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Greenhouse gas management in European land use systems (GHG Europe)

Start date: Jan 1, 2010, End date: Sep 30, 2013,

The GHG-Europe project aims to improve our understanding and capacity for predicting the European terrestrial carbon and greenhouse gas (GHG) budget by applying a systematic, comprehensive and integrative approach. GHG-Europe quantifies the annual to decadal variability of the carbon and GHG budgets of terrestrial ecosystems in EU27 plus Switzerland and in six data-rich European regions via data-m ...
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"The Common Agricultural Policy Regionalised Impact – the Rural Development Dimension (CAPRI-RD) aims to develop and apply an operational, Pan-European tool including all Candidate and Potential Candidate countries to analyse the regional impacts of all policy measures under CAP Pillar I and II across a wide range of economic, social and environmental indicators, aligned with the CMEF. CAPRI-RD’s ...
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The farmer as water manager under changing climatic conditions (Aquarius)

Start date: Dec 31, 2008, End date: Jun 29, 2012,

The project focuses on enabling farmers to act successfully as water managers in changing climatic conditions. The project will present water risk management practices that will reduce the consequences of flooding, droughts, water shortage and nutrient transport. The emphasis on the farmer as a water manager is contributing towards implementing EU policies, such as the Water Framework Directive. T ...
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